Source code for py21cmfast.wrapper

The main wrapper for the underlying 21cmFAST C-code.

The module provides both low- and high-level wrappers, using the very low-level machinery
in :mod:`~py21cmfast._utils`, and the convenient input and output structures from
:mod:`~py21cmfast.inputs` and :mod:`~py21cmfast.outputs`.

This module provides a number of:

* Low-level functions which simplify calling the background C functions which populate
  these output objects given the input classes.
* High-level functions which provide the most efficient and simplest way to generate the
  most commonly desired outputs.

**Low-level functions**

The low-level functions provided here ease the production of the aforementioned output
objects. Functions exist for each low-level C routine, which have been decoupled as far
as possible. So, functions exist to create :func:`initial_conditions`,
:func:`perturb_field`, :class:`ionize_box` and so on. Creating a brightness temperature
box (often the desired final output) would generally require calling each of these in
turn, as each depends on the result of a previous function. Nevertheless, each function
has the capability of generating the required previous outputs on-the-fly, so one can
instantly call :func:`ionize_box` and get a self-consistent result. Doing so, while
convenient, is sometimes not *efficient*, especially when using inhomogeneous
recombinations or the spin temperature field, which intrinsically require consistent
evolution of the ionization field through redshift. In these cases, for best efficiency
it is recommended to either use a customised manual approach to calling these low-level
functions, or to call a higher-level function which optimizes this process.

Finally, note that :mod:`py21cmfast` attempts to optimize the production of the large amount of
data via on-disk caching. By default, if a previous set of data has been computed using
the current input parameters, it will be read-in from a caching repository and returned
directly. This behaviour can be tuned in any of the low-level (or high-level) functions
by setting the `write`, `direc`, `regenerate` and `match_seed` parameters (see docs for
:func:`initial_conditions` for details). The function :func:`~query_cache` can be used
to search the cache, and return empty datasets corresponding to each (and these can then be
filled with the data merely by calling ``.read()`` on any data set). Conversely, a
specific data set can be read and returned as a proper output object by calling the
:func:`~py21cmfast.cache_tools.readbox` function.

**High-level functions**

As previously mentioned, calling the low-level functions in some cases is non-optimal,
especially when full evolution of the field is required, and thus iteration through a
series of redshift. In addition, while :class:`InitialConditions` and
:class:`PerturbedField` are necessary intermediate data, it is *usually* the resulting
brightness temperature which is of most interest, and it is easier to not have to worry
about the intermediate steps explicitly. For these typical use-cases, two high-level
functions are available: :func:`run_coeval` and :func:`run_lightcone`, whose purpose
should be self-explanatory. These will optimally run all necessary intermediate
steps (using cached results by default if possible) and return all datasets of interest.

A typical example of using this module would be the following.

>>> import py21cmfast as p21

Get coeval cubes at redshift 7,8 and 9, without spin temperature or inhomogeneous

>>> coeval = p21.run_coeval(
>>>     redshift=[7,8,9],
>>>     cosmo_params=p21.CosmoParams(hlittle=0.7),
>>>     user_params=p21.UserParams(HII_DIM=100)
>>> )

Get coeval cubes at the same redshift, with both spin temperature and inhomogeneous
recombinations, pulled from the natural evolution of the fields:

>>> all_boxes = p21.run_coeval(
>>>                 redshift=[7,8,9],
>>>                 user_params=p21.UserParams(HII_DIM=100),
>>>                 flag_options=p21.FlagOptions(INHOMO_RECO=True),
>>>                 do_spin_temp=True
>>>             )

Get a self-consistent lightcone defined between z1 and z2 (`z_step_factor` changes the
logarithmic steps between redshift that are actually evaluated, which are then
interpolated onto the lightcone cells):

>>> lightcone = p21.run_lightcone(redshift=z2, max_redshift=z2, z_step_factor=1.03)

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import warnings
from astropy import units as un
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from typing import Any, Callable, Sequence

from ._cfg import config
from ._utils import OutputStruct, _check_compatible_inputs, _process_exitcode
from .c_21cmfast import ffi, lib
from .cache_tools import get_boxes_at_redshift
from .inputs import (
from .lightcones import Lightconer, RectilinearLightconer
from .outputs import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _configure_inputs(
    defaults: list,
    ignore: list = ["redshift"],
    flag_none: list | None = None,
    """Configure a set of input parameter structs.

    This is useful for basing parameters on a previous output.
    The logic is this: the struct _cannot_ be present and different in both defaults and
    a dataset. If it is present in _either_ of them, that will be returned. If it is
    present in _neither_, either an error will be raised (if that item is in `flag_none`)
    or it will pass.

    defaults : list of 2-tuples
        Each tuple is (key, val). Keys are input struct names, and values are a default
        structure for that input.
    datasets : list of :class:`~_utils.OutputStruct`
        A number of output datasets to cross-check, and draw parameter values from.
    ignore : list of str
        Attributes to ignore when ensuring that parameter inputs are the same.
    flag_none : list
        A list of parameter names for which ``None`` is not an acceptable value.

    ValueError :
        If an input parameter is present in both defaults and the dataset, and is different.
        OR if the parameter is present in neither defaults not the datasets, and it is
        included in `flag_none`.
    # First ensure all inputs are compatible in their parameters
    _check_compatible_inputs(*datasets, ignore=ignore)

    if flag_none is None:
        flag_none = []

    output = [0] * len(defaults)
    for i, (key, val) in enumerate(defaults):
        # Get the value of this input from the datasets
        data_val = None
        for dataset in datasets:
            if dataset is not None and hasattr(dataset, key):
                data_val = getattr(dataset, key)

        # If both data and default have values
        if not (val is None or data_val is None or data_val == val):
            raise ValueError(
                "%s has an inconsistent value with %s"
                % (key, dataset.__class__.__name__)
            if val is not None:
                output[i] = val
            elif data_val is not None:
                output[i] = data_val
            elif key in flag_none:
                raise ValueError(
                    "For %s, a value must be provided in some manner" % key
                output[i] = None

    return output

[docs]def configure_redshift(redshift, *structs): """ Check and obtain a redshift from given default and structs. Parameters ---------- redshift : float The default redshift to use structs : list of :class:`~_utils.OutputStruct` A number of output datasets from which to find the redshift. Raises ------ ValueError : If both `redshift` and *all* structs have a value of `None`, **or** if any of them are different from each other (and not `None`). """ zs = {s.redshift for s in structs if s is not None and hasattr(s, "redshift")} zs = list(zs) if len(zs) > 1 or ( len(zs) == 1 and redshift is not None and not np.isclose(zs[0], redshift, atol=1e-5) ): raise ValueError("Incompatible redshifts in inputs") elif len(zs) == 1: return zs[0] elif redshift is None: raise ValueError( "Either redshift must be provided, or a data set containing it." ) else: return redshift
def _verify_types(**kwargs): """Ensure each argument has a type of None or that matching its name.""" for k, v in kwargs.items(): for j, kk in enumerate( ["init", "perturb", "ionize", "spin_temp", "halo_field", "pt_halos"] ): if kk in k: break cls = [ InitialConditions, PerturbedField, IonizedBox, TsBox, HaloField, PerturbHaloField, ][j] if v is not None and not isinstance(v, cls): raise ValueError(f"{k} must be an instance of {cls.__name__}") def _setup_inputs( input_params: dict[str, Any], input_boxes: dict[str, OutputStruct] | None = None, redshift=-1, ): """ Verify and set up input parameters to any function that runs C code. Parameters ---------- input_boxes A dictionary of OutputStruct objects that are meant as inputs to the current calculation. These will be verified against each other, and also used to determine redshift, if appropriate. input_params A dictionary of keys and dicts / input structs. This should have the random seed, cosmo/user params and optionally the flag and astro params. redshift Optional value of the redshift. Can be None. If not provided, no redshift is returned. Returns ------- random_seed The random seed to use, determined from either explicit input or input boxes. input_params The configured input parameter structs, in the order in which they were given. redshift If redshift is given, it will also be output. """ input_boxes = input_boxes or {} if "flag_options" in input_params and "user_params" not in input_params: raise ValueError("To set flag_options requires user_params") if "astro_params" in input_params and "flag_options" not in input_params: raise ValueError("To set astro_params requires flag_options") if input_boxes: _verify_types(**input_boxes) params = _configure_inputs(list(input_params.items()), *list(input_boxes.values())) if redshift != -1: redshift = configure_redshift( redshift, *[ v for k, v in input_boxes.items() if hasattr(v, "redshift") and "prev" not in k ], ) # This turns params into a dict with all the input parameters in it. params = dict(zip(input_params.keys(), params)) params["user_params"] = UserParams(params["user_params"]) params["cosmo_params"] = CosmoParams(params["cosmo_params"]) if "flag_options" in params: params["flag_options"] = FlagOptions(params["flag_options"]) if "astro_params" in params: params["astro_params"] = AstroParams( params["astro_params"], INHOMO_RECO=params["flag_options"].INHOMO_RECO ) # Perform validation between different sets of inputs. validate_all_inputs(**{k: v for k, v in params.items() if k != "random_seed"}) # Sort the params back into input order. params = [params[k] for k in input_params] out = params if redshift != -1: out.append(redshift) return out def _call_c_simple(fnc, *args): """Call a simple C function that just returns an object. Any such function should be defined such that the last argument is an int pointer generating the status. """ # Parse the function to get the type of the last argument cdata = str(ffi.addressof(lib, fnc.__name__)) kind = cdata.split("(")[-1].split(")")[0].split(",")[-1] result = status = fnc(*args, result) _process_exitcode(status, fnc, args) return result[0] def _get_config_options( direc, regenerate, write, hooks ) -> tuple[str, bool, dict[Callable, dict[str, Any]]]: direc = str(os.path.expanduser(config["direc"] if direc is None else direc)) if hooks is None or len(hooks) > 0: hooks = hooks or {} if callable(write) and write not in hooks: hooks[write] = {"direc": direc} if not hooks: if write is None: write = config["write"] if not callable(write) and write: hooks["write"] = {"direc": direc} return ( direc, bool(config["regenerate"] if regenerate is None else regenerate), hooks, )
[docs]def get_all_fieldnames( arrays_only=True, lightcone_only=False, as_dict=False ) -> dict[str, str] | set[str]: """Return all possible fieldnames in output structs. Parameters ---------- arrays_only : bool, optional Whether to only return fields that are arrays. lightcone_only : bool, optional Whether to only return fields from classes that evolve with redshift. as_dict : bool, optional Whether to return results as a dictionary of ``quantity: class_name``. Otherwise returns a set of quantities. """ classes = [cls(redshift=0) for cls in _OutputStructZ._implementations()] if not lightcone_only: classes.append(InitialConditions()) attr = "pointer_fields" if arrays_only else "fieldnames" if as_dict: return { name: cls.__class__.__name__ for cls in classes for name in getattr(cls, attr) } else: return {name for cls in classes for name in getattr(cls, attr)}
# ====================================================================================== # WRAPPING FUNCTIONS # ======================================================================================
[docs]def construct_fftw_wisdoms(*, user_params=None, cosmo_params=None): """Construct all necessary FFTW wisdoms. Parameters ---------- user_params : :class:`~inputs.UserParams` Parameters defining the simulation run. """ user_params = UserParams(user_params) cosmo_params = CosmoParams(cosmo_params) # Run the C code if user_params.USE_FFTW_WISDOM: return lib.CreateFFTWWisdoms(user_params(), cosmo_params()) else: return 0
[docs]def compute_tau(*, redshifts, global_xHI, user_params=None, cosmo_params=None): """Compute the optical depth to reionization under the given model. Parameters ---------- redshifts : array-like Redshifts defining an evolution of the neutral fraction. global_xHI : array-like The mean neutral fraction at `redshifts`. user_params : :class:`~inputs.UserParams` Parameters defining the simulation run. cosmo_params : :class:`~inputs.CosmoParams` Cosmological parameters. Returns ------- tau : float The optional depth to reionization Raises ------ ValueError : If `redshifts` and `global_xHI` have inconsistent length or if redshifts are not in ascending order. """ user_params, cosmo_params = _setup_inputs( {"user_params": user_params, "cosmo_params": cosmo_params} ) if len(redshifts) != len(global_xHI): raise ValueError("redshifts and global_xHI must have same length") if not np.all(np.diff(redshifts) > 0): raise ValueError("redshifts and global_xHI must be in ascending order") # Convert the data to the right type redshifts = np.array(redshifts, dtype="float32") global_xHI = np.array(global_xHI, dtype="float32") z = ffi.cast("float *", ffi.from_buffer(redshifts)) xHI = ffi.cast("float *", ffi.from_buffer(global_xHI)) # Run the C code return lib.ComputeTau(user_params(), cosmo_params(), len(redshifts), z, xHI)
[docs]def compute_luminosity_function( *, redshifts, user_params=None, cosmo_params=None, astro_params=None, flag_options=None, nbins=100, mturnovers=None, mturnovers_mini=None, component=0, ): """Compute a the luminosity function over a given number of bins and redshifts. Parameters ---------- redshifts : array-like The redshifts at which to compute the luminosity function. user_params : :class:`~UserParams`, optional Defines the overall options and parameters of the run. cosmo_params : :class:`~CosmoParams`, optional Defines the cosmological parameters used to compute initial conditions. astro_params : :class:`~AstroParams`, optional The astrophysical parameters defining the course of reionization. flag_options : :class:`~FlagOptions`, optional Some options passed to the reionization routine. nbins : int, optional The number of luminosity bins to produce for the luminosity function. mturnovers : array-like, optional The turnover mass at each redshift for massive halos (ACGs). Only required when USE_MINI_HALOS is True. mturnovers_mini : array-like, optional The turnover mass at each redshift for minihalos (MCGs). Only required when USE_MINI_HALOS is True. component : int, optional The component of the LF to be calculated. 0, 1 an 2 are for the total, ACG and MCG LFs respectively, requiring inputs of both mturnovers and mturnovers_MINI (0), only mturnovers (1) or mturnovers_MINI (2). Returns ------- Muvfunc : np.ndarray Magnitude array (i.e. brightness). Shape [nredshifts, nbins] Mhfunc : np.ndarray Halo mass array. Shape [nredshifts, nbins] lfunc : np.ndarray Number density of haloes corresponding to each bin defined by `Muvfunc`. Shape [nredshifts, nbins]. """ user_params, cosmo_params, astro_params, flag_options = _setup_inputs( { "user_params": user_params, "cosmo_params": cosmo_params, "astro_params": astro_params, "flag_options": flag_options, } ) redshifts = np.array(redshifts, dtype="float32") if flag_options.USE_MINI_HALOS: if component in [0, 1]: if mturnovers is None: logger.warning( "calculating ACG LFs with mini-halo feature requires users to " "specify mturnovers!" ) return None, None, None mturnovers = np.array(mturnovers, dtype="float32") if len(mturnovers) != len(redshifts): logger.warning( "mturnovers(%d) does not match the length of redshifts (%d)" % (len(mturnovers), len(redshifts)) ) return None, None, None if component in [0, 2]: if mturnovers_mini is None: logger.warning( "calculating MCG LFs with mini-halo feature requires users to " "specify mturnovers_MINI!" ) return None, None, None mturnovers_mini = np.array(mturnovers_mini, dtype="float32") if len(mturnovers_mini) != len(redshifts): logger.warning( "mturnovers_MINI(%d) does not match the length of redshifts (%d)" % (len(mturnovers), len(redshifts)) ) return None, None, None else: mturnovers = np.zeros(len(redshifts), dtype="float32") + 10**astro_params.M_TURN component = 1 if component == 0: lfunc = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins) Muvfunc = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins) Mhfunc = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins) lfunc.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins) Muvfunc.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins) Mhfunc.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins) c_Muvfunc = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(Muvfunc)) c_Mhfunc = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(Mhfunc)) c_lfunc = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(lfunc)) # Run the C code errcode = lib.ComputeLF( nbins, user_params(), cosmo_params(), astro_params(), flag_options(), 1, len(redshifts), ffi.cast("float *", ffi.from_buffer(redshifts)), ffi.cast("float *", ffi.from_buffer(mturnovers)), c_Muvfunc, c_Mhfunc, c_lfunc, ) _process_exitcode( errcode, lib.ComputeLF, ( nbins, user_params, cosmo_params, astro_params, flag_options, 1, len(redshifts), ), ) lfunc_MINI = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins) Muvfunc_MINI = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins) Mhfunc_MINI = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins) lfunc_MINI.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins) Muvfunc_MINI.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins) Mhfunc_MINI.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins) c_Muvfunc_MINI = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(Muvfunc_MINI)) c_Mhfunc_MINI = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(Mhfunc_MINI)) c_lfunc_MINI = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(lfunc_MINI)) # Run the C code errcode = lib.ComputeLF( nbins, user_params(), cosmo_params(), astro_params(), flag_options(), 2, len(redshifts), ffi.cast("float *", ffi.from_buffer(redshifts)), ffi.cast("float *", ffi.from_buffer(mturnovers_mini)), c_Muvfunc_MINI, c_Mhfunc_MINI, c_lfunc_MINI, ) _process_exitcode( errcode, lib.ComputeLF, ( nbins, user_params, cosmo_params, astro_params, flag_options, 2, len(redshifts), ), ) # redo the Muv range using the faintest (most likely MINI) and the brightest (most likely massive) lfunc_all = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins) Muvfunc_all = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins) Mhfunc_all = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins * 2) lfunc_all.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins) Muvfunc_all.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins) Mhfunc_all.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins, 2) for iz in range(len(redshifts)): Muvfunc_all[iz] = np.linspace( np.min([Muvfunc.min(), Muvfunc_MINI.min()]), np.max([Muvfunc.max(), Muvfunc_MINI.max()]), nbins, ) lfunc_all[iz] = np.log10( 10 ** ( interp1d(Muvfunc[iz], lfunc[iz], fill_value="extrapolate")( Muvfunc_all[iz] ) ) + 10 ** ( interp1d( Muvfunc_MINI[iz], lfunc_MINI[iz], fill_value="extrapolate" )(Muvfunc_all[iz]) ) ) Mhfunc_all[iz] = np.array( [ interp1d(Muvfunc[iz], Mhfunc[iz], fill_value="extrapolate")( Muvfunc_all[iz] ), interp1d( Muvfunc_MINI[iz], Mhfunc_MINI[iz], fill_value="extrapolate" )(Muvfunc_all[iz]), ], ).T lfunc_all[lfunc_all <= -30] = np.nan return Muvfunc_all, Mhfunc_all, lfunc_all elif component == 1: lfunc = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins) Muvfunc = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins) Mhfunc = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins) lfunc.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins) Muvfunc.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins) Mhfunc.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins) c_Muvfunc = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(Muvfunc)) c_Mhfunc = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(Mhfunc)) c_lfunc = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(lfunc)) # Run the C code errcode = lib.ComputeLF( nbins, user_params(), cosmo_params(), astro_params(), flag_options(), 1, len(redshifts), ffi.cast("float *", ffi.from_buffer(redshifts)), ffi.cast("float *", ffi.from_buffer(mturnovers)), c_Muvfunc, c_Mhfunc, c_lfunc, ) _process_exitcode( errcode, lib.ComputeLF, ( nbins, user_params, cosmo_params, astro_params, flag_options, 1, len(redshifts), ), ) lfunc[lfunc <= -30] = np.nan return Muvfunc, Mhfunc, lfunc elif component == 2: lfunc_MINI = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins) Muvfunc_MINI = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins) Mhfunc_MINI = np.zeros(len(redshifts) * nbins) lfunc_MINI.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins) Muvfunc_MINI.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins) Mhfunc_MINI.shape = (len(redshifts), nbins) c_Muvfunc_MINI = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(Muvfunc_MINI)) c_Mhfunc_MINI = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(Mhfunc_MINI)) c_lfunc_MINI = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(lfunc_MINI)) # Run the C code errcode = lib.ComputeLF( nbins, user_params(), cosmo_params(), astro_params(), flag_options(), 2, len(redshifts), ffi.cast("float *", ffi.from_buffer(redshifts)), ffi.cast("float *", ffi.from_buffer(mturnovers_mini)), c_Muvfunc_MINI, c_Mhfunc_MINI, c_lfunc_MINI, ) _process_exitcode( errcode, lib.ComputeLF, ( nbins, user_params, cosmo_params, astro_params, flag_options, 2, len(redshifts), ), ) lfunc_MINI[lfunc_MINI <= -30] = np.nan return Muvfunc_MINI, Mhfunc_MINI, lfunc_MINI else: logger.warning("What is component %d ?" % component) return None, None, None
def _init_photon_conservation_correction( *, user_params=None, cosmo_params=None, astro_params=None, flag_options=None ): user_params = UserParams(user_params) cosmo_params = CosmoParams(cosmo_params) astro_params = AstroParams(astro_params) flag_options = FlagOptions(flag_options) return lib.InitialisePhotonCons( user_params(), cosmo_params(), astro_params(), flag_options() ) def _calibrate_photon_conservation_correction( *, redshifts_estimate, nf_estimate, NSpline ): # Convert the data to the right type redshifts_estimate = np.array(redshifts_estimate, dtype="float64") nf_estimate = np.array(nf_estimate, dtype="float64") z = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(redshifts_estimate)) xHI = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(nf_estimate)) logger.debug(f"PhotonCons nf estimates: {nf_estimate}") return lib.PhotonCons_Calibration(z, xHI, NSpline) def _calc_zstart_photon_cons(): # Run the C code return _call_c_simple(lib.ComputeZstart_PhotonCons) def _get_photon_nonconservation_data(): """ Access C global data representing the photon-nonconservation corrections. .. note:: if not using ``PHOTON_CONS`` (in :class:`~FlagOptions`), *or* if the initialisation for photon conservation has not been performed yet, this will return None. Returns ------- dict : z_analytic: array of redshifts defining the analytic ionized fraction Q_analytic: array of analytic ionized fractions corresponding to `z_analytic` z_calibration: array of redshifts defining the ionized fraction from 21cmFAST without recombinations nf_calibration: array of calibration ionized fractions corresponding to `z_calibration` delta_z_photon_cons: the change in redshift required to calibrate 21cmFAST, as a function of z_calibration nf_photoncons: the neutral fraction as a function of redshift """ # Check if photon conservation has been initialised at all if not lib.photon_cons_allocated: return None arbitrary_large_size = 2000 data = np.zeros((6, arbitrary_large_size)) IntVal1 = np.array(np.zeros(1), dtype="int32") IntVal2 = np.array(np.zeros(1), dtype="int32") IntVal3 = np.array(np.zeros(1), dtype="int32") c_z_at_Q = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(data[0])) c_Qval = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(data[1])) c_z_cal = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(data[2])) c_nf_cal = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(data[3])) c_PC_nf = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(data[4])) c_PC_deltaz = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.from_buffer(data[5])) c_int_NQ = ffi.cast("int *", ffi.from_buffer(IntVal1)) c_int_NC = ffi.cast("int *", ffi.from_buffer(IntVal2)) c_int_NP = ffi.cast("int *", ffi.from_buffer(IntVal3)) # Run the C code errcode = lib.ObtainPhotonConsData( c_z_at_Q, c_Qval, c_int_NQ, c_z_cal, c_nf_cal, c_int_NC, c_PC_nf, c_PC_deltaz, c_int_NP, ) _process_exitcode(errcode, lib.ObtainPhotonConsData, ()) ArrayIndices = [ IntVal1[0], IntVal1[0], IntVal2[0], IntVal2[0], IntVal3[0], IntVal3[0], ] data_list = [ "z_analytic", "Q_analytic", "z_calibration", "nf_calibration", "nf_photoncons", "delta_z_photon_cons", ] return {name: d[:index] for name, d, index in zip(data_list, data, ArrayIndices)}
[docs]def initial_conditions( *, user_params=None, cosmo_params=None, random_seed=None, regenerate=None, write=None, direc=None, hooks: dict[Callable, dict[str, Any]] | None = None, **global_kwargs, ) -> InitialConditions: r""" Compute initial conditions. Parameters ---------- user_params : :class:`~UserParams` instance, optional Defines the overall options and parameters of the run. cosmo_params : :class:`~CosmoParams` instance, optional Defines the cosmological parameters used to compute initial conditions. regenerate : bool, optional Whether to force regeneration of data, even if matching cached data is found. This is applied recursively to any potential sub-calculations. It is ignored in the case of dependent data only if that data is explicitly passed to the function. write : bool, optional Whether to write results to file (i.e. cache). This is recursively applied to any potential sub-calculations. hooks Any extra functions to apply to the output object. This should be a dictionary where the keys are the functions, and the values are themselves dictionaries of parameters to pass to the function. The function signature should be ``(output, **params)``, where the ``output`` is the output object. direc : str, optional The directory in which to search for the boxes and write them. By default, this is the directory given by ``boxdir`` in the configuration file, ``~/.21cmfast/config.yml``. This is recursively applied to any potential sub-calculations. \*\*global_kwargs : Any attributes for :class:`~py21cmfast.inputs.GlobalParams`. This will *temporarily* set global attributes for the duration of the function. Note that arguments will be treated as case-insensitive. Returns ------- :class:`~InitialConditions` """ direc, regenerate, hooks = _get_config_options(direc, regenerate, write, hooks) with global_params.use(**global_kwargs): user_params, cosmo_params = _setup_inputs( {"user_params": user_params, "cosmo_params": cosmo_params} ) # Initialize memory for the boxes that will be returned. boxes = InitialConditions( user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, random_seed=random_seed ) # Construct FFTW wisdoms. Only if required construct_fftw_wisdoms(user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params) # First check whether the boxes already exist. if not regenerate: try: f"Existing init_boxes found and read in (seed={boxes.random_seed})." ) return boxes except OSError: pass return boxes.compute(hooks=hooks)
[docs]def perturb_field( *, redshift, init_boxes=None, user_params=None, cosmo_params=None, random_seed=None, regenerate=None, write=None, direc=None, hooks: dict[Callable, dict[str, Any]] | None = None, **global_kwargs, ) -> PerturbedField: r""" Compute a perturbed field at a given redshift. Parameters ---------- redshift : float The redshift at which to compute the perturbed field. init_boxes : :class:`~InitialConditions`, optional If given, these initial conditions boxes will be used, otherwise initial conditions will be generated. If given, the user and cosmo params will be set from this object. user_params : :class:`~UserParams`, optional Defines the overall options and parameters of the run. cosmo_params : :class:`~CosmoParams`, optional Defines the cosmological parameters used to compute initial conditions. \*\*global_kwargs : Any attributes for :class:`~py21cmfast.inputs.GlobalParams`. This will *temporarily* set global attributes for the duration of the function. Note that arguments will be treated as case-insensitive. Returns ------- :class:`~PerturbedField` Other Parameters ---------------- regenerate, write, direc, random_seed: See docs of :func:`initial_conditions` for more information. Examples -------- The simplest method is just to give a redshift:: >>> field = perturb_field(7.0) >>> print(field.density) Doing so will internally call the :func:`~initial_conditions` function. If initial conditions have already been calculated, this can be avoided by passing them: >>> init_boxes = initial_conditions() >>> field7 = perturb_field(7.0, init_boxes) >>> field8 = perturb_field(8.0, init_boxes) The user and cosmo parameter structures are by default inferred from the ``init_boxes``, so that the following is consistent:: >>> init_boxes = initial_conditions(user_params= UserParams(HII_DIM=1000)) >>> field7 = perturb_field(7.0, init_boxes) If ``init_boxes`` is not passed, then these parameters can be directly passed:: >>> field7 = perturb_field(7.0, user_params=UserParams(HII_DIM=1000)) """ direc, regenerate, hooks = _get_config_options(direc, regenerate, write, hooks) with global_params.use(**global_kwargs): random_seed, user_params, cosmo_params, redshift = _setup_inputs( { "random_seed": random_seed, "user_params": user_params, "cosmo_params": cosmo_params, }, input_boxes={"init_boxes": init_boxes}, redshift=redshift, ) # Initialize perturbed boxes. fields = PerturbedField( redshift=redshift, user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, random_seed=random_seed, ) # Check whether the boxes already exist if not regenerate: try: f"Existing z={redshift} perturb_field boxes found and read in " f"(seed={fields.random_seed})." ) return fields except OSError: pass # Construct FFTW wisdoms. Only if required construct_fftw_wisdoms(user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params) # Make sure we've got computed init boxes. if init_boxes is None or not init_boxes.is_computed: init_boxes = initial_conditions( user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, random_seed=random_seed, ) # Need to update fields to have the same seed as init_boxes fields._random_seed = init_boxes.random_seed # Run the C Code return fields.compute(ics=init_boxes, hooks=hooks)
[docs]def determine_halo_list( *, redshift, init_boxes=None, user_params=None, cosmo_params=None, astro_params=None, flag_options=None, random_seed=None, regenerate=None, write=None, direc=None, hooks=None, **global_kwargs, ): r""" Find a halo list, given a redshift. Parameters ---------- redshift : float The redshift at which to determine the halo list. init_boxes : :class:`~InitialConditions`, optional If given, these initial conditions boxes will be used, otherwise initial conditions will be generated. If given, the user and cosmo params will be set from this object. user_params : :class:`~UserParams`, optional Defines the overall options and parameters of the run. cosmo_params : :class:`~CosmoParams`, optional Defines the cosmological parameters used to compute initial conditions. astro_params: :class:`~AstroParams` instance, optional The astrophysical parameters defining the course of reionization. \*\*global_kwargs : Any attributes for :class:`~py21cmfast.inputs.GlobalParams`. This will *temporarily* set global attributes for the duration of the function. Note that arguments will be treated as case-insensitive. Returns ------- :class:`~HaloField` Other Parameters ---------------- regenerate, write, direc, random_seed: See docs of :func:`initial_conditions` for more information. Examples -------- Fill this in once finalised """ direc, regenerate, hooks = _get_config_options(direc, regenerate, write, hooks) with global_params.use(**global_kwargs): # Configure and check input/output parameters/structs ( random_seed, user_params, cosmo_params, astro_params, flag_options, redshift, ) = _setup_inputs( { "random_seed": random_seed, "user_params": user_params, "cosmo_params": cosmo_params, "astro_params": astro_params, "flag_options": flag_options, }, {"init_boxes": init_boxes}, redshift=redshift, ) if user_params.HMF != 1: raise ValueError("USE_HALO_FIELD is only valid for HMF = 1") # Initialize halo list boxes. fields = HaloField( redshift=redshift, user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, astro_params=astro_params, flag_options=flag_options, random_seed=random_seed, ) # Check whether the boxes already exist if not regenerate: try: f"Existing z={redshift} determine_halo_list boxes found and read in " f"(seed={fields.random_seed})." ) return fields except OSError: pass # Construct FFTW wisdoms. Only if required construct_fftw_wisdoms(user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params) # Make sure we've got computed init boxes. if init_boxes is None or not init_boxes.is_computed: init_boxes = initial_conditions( user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, random_seed=random_seed, ) # Need to update fields to have the same seed as init_boxes fields._random_seed = init_boxes.random_seed # Run the C Code return fields.compute(ics=init_boxes, hooks=hooks)
[docs]def perturb_halo_list( *, redshift, init_boxes=None, halo_field=None, user_params=None, cosmo_params=None, astro_params=None, flag_options=None, random_seed=None, regenerate=None, write=None, direc=None, hooks=None, **global_kwargs, ): r""" Given a halo list, perturb the halos for a given redshift. Parameters ---------- redshift : float The redshift at which to determine the halo list. init_boxes : :class:`~InitialConditions`, optional If given, these initial conditions boxes will be used, otherwise initial conditions will be generated. If given, the user and cosmo params will be set from this object. user_params : :class:`~UserParams`, optional Defines the overall options and parameters of the run. cosmo_params : :class:`~CosmoParams`, optional Defines the cosmological parameters used to compute initial conditions. astro_params: :class:`~AstroParams` instance, optional The astrophysical parameters defining the course of reionization. \*\*global_kwargs : Any attributes for :class:`~py21cmfast.inputs.GlobalParams`. This will *temporarily* set global attributes for the duration of the function. Note that arguments will be treated as case-insensitive. Returns ------- :class:`~PerturbHaloField` Other Parameters ---------------- regenerate, write, direc, random_seed: See docs of :func:`initial_conditions` for more information. Examples -------- Fill this in once finalised """ direc, regenerate, hooks = _get_config_options(direc, regenerate, write, hooks) with global_params.use(**global_kwargs): # Configure and check input/output parameters/structs ( random_seed, user_params, cosmo_params, astro_params, flag_options, redshift, ) = _setup_inputs( { "random_seed": random_seed, "user_params": user_params, "cosmo_params": cosmo_params, "astro_params": astro_params, "flag_options": flag_options, }, {"init_boxes": init_boxes, "halo_field": halo_field}, redshift=redshift, ) if user_params.HMF != 1: raise ValueError("USE_HALO_FIELD is only valid for HMF = 1") # Initialize halo list boxes. fields = PerturbHaloField( redshift=redshift, user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, astro_params=astro_params, flag_options=flag_options, random_seed=random_seed, ) # Check whether the boxes already exist if not regenerate: try: "Existing z=%s perturb_halo_list boxes found and read in (seed=%s)." % (redshift, fields.random_seed) ) return fields except OSError: pass # Make sure we've got computed init boxes. if init_boxes is None or not init_boxes.is_computed: init_boxes = initial_conditions( user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, random_seed=random_seed, ) # Need to update fields to have the same seed as init_boxes fields._random_seed = init_boxes.random_seed # Dynamically produce the halo list. if halo_field is None or not halo_field.is_computed: halo_field = determine_halo_list( init_boxes=init_boxes, # NOTE: this is required, rather than using cosmo_ and user_, # since init may have a set seed. redshift=redshift, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, ) # Run the C Code return fields.compute(ics=init_boxes, halo_field=halo_field, hooks=hooks)
[docs]def ionize_box( *, astro_params=None, flag_options=None, redshift=None, perturbed_field=None, previous_perturbed_field=None, previous_ionize_box=None, spin_temp=None, pt_halos=None, init_boxes=None, cosmo_params=None, user_params=None, regenerate=None, write=None, direc=None, random_seed=None, cleanup=True, hooks=None, **global_kwargs, ) -> IonizedBox: r""" Compute an ionized box at a given redshift. This function has various options for how the evolution of the ionization is computed (if at all). See the Notes below for details. Parameters ---------- astro_params: :class:`~AstroParams` instance, optional The astrophysical parameters defining the course of reionization. flag_options: :class:`~FlagOptions` instance, optional Some options passed to the reionization routine. redshift : float, optional The redshift at which to compute the ionized box. If `perturbed_field` is given, its inherent redshift will take precedence over this argument. If not, this argument is mandatory. perturbed_field : :class:`~PerturbField`, optional If given, this field will be used, otherwise it will be generated. To be generated, either `init_boxes` and `redshift` must be given, or `user_params`, `cosmo_params` and `redshift`. previous_perturbed_field : :class:`~PerturbField`, optional An perturbed field at higher redshift. This is only used if mini_halo is included. init_boxes : :class:`~InitialConditions` , optional If given, and `perturbed_field` *not* given, these initial conditions boxes will be used to generate the perturbed field, otherwise initial conditions will be generated on the fly. If given, the user and cosmo params will be set from this object. previous_ionize_box: :class:`IonizedBox` or None An ionized box at higher redshift. This is only used if `INHOMO_RECO` and/or `do_spin_temp` are true. If either of these are true, and this is not given, then it will be assumed that this is the "first box", i.e. that it can be populated accurately without knowing source statistics. spin_temp: :class:`TsBox` or None, optional A spin-temperature box, only required if `do_spin_temp` is True. If None, will try to read in a spin temp box at the current redshift, and failing that will try to automatically create one, using the previous ionized box redshift as the previous spin temperature redshift. pt_halos: :class:`~PerturbHaloField` or None, optional If passed, this contains all the dark matter haloes obtained if using the USE_HALO_FIELD. This is a list of halo masses and coords for the dark matter haloes. If not passed, it will try and automatically create them using the available initial conditions. user_params : :class:`~UserParams`, optional Defines the overall options and parameters of the run. cosmo_params : :class:`~CosmoParams`, optional Defines the cosmological parameters used to compute initial conditions. cleanup : bool, optional A flag to specify whether the C routine cleans up its memory before returning. Typically, if `spin_temperature` is called directly, you will want this to be true, as if the next box to be calculate has different shape, errors will occur if memory is not cleaned. However, it can be useful to set it to False if scrolling through parameters for the same box shape. \*\*global_kwargs : Any attributes for :class:`~py21cmfast.inputs.GlobalParams`. This will *temporarily* set global attributes for the duration of the function. Note that arguments will be treated as case-insensitive. Returns ------- :class:`~IonizedBox` : An object containing the ionized box data. Other Parameters ---------------- regenerate, write, direc, random_seed : See docs of :func:`initial_conditions` for more information. Notes ----- Typically, the ionization field at any redshift is dependent on the evolution of xHI up until that redshift, which necessitates providing a previous ionization field to define the current one. This function provides several options for doing so. First, if neither the spin temperature field, nor inhomogeneous recombinations (specified in flag options) are used, no evolution needs to be done. Otherwise, either (in order of precedence) 1. a specific previous :class`~IonizedBox` object is provided, which will be used directly, 2. a previous redshift is provided, for which a cached field on disk will be sought, 3. a step factor is provided which recursively steps through redshift, calculating previous fields up until Z_HEAT_MAX, and returning just the final field at the current redshift, or 4. the function is instructed to treat the current field as being an initial "high-redshift" field such that specific sources need not be found and evolved. .. note:: If a previous specific redshift is given, but no cached field is found at that redshift, the previous ionization field will be evaluated based on `z_step_factor`. Examples -------- By default, no spin temperature is used, and neither are inhomogeneous recombinations, so that no evolution is required, thus the following will compute a coeval ionization box: >>> xHI = ionize_box(redshift=7.0) However, if either of those options are true, then a full evolution will be required: >>> xHI = ionize_box(redshift=7.0, flag_options=FlagOptions(INHOMO_RECO=True,USE_TS_FLUCT=True)) This will by default evolve the field from a redshift of *at least* `Z_HEAT_MAX` (a global parameter), in logarithmic steps of `ZPRIME_STEP_FACTOR`. To change these: >>> xHI = ionize_box(redshift=7.0, zprime_step_factor=1.2, z_heat_max=15.0, >>> flag_options={"USE_TS_FLUCT":True}) Alternatively, one can pass an exact previous redshift, which will be sought in the disk cache, or evaluated: >>> ts_box = ionize_box(redshift=7.0, previous_ionize_box=8.0, flag_options={ >>> "USE_TS_FLUCT":True}) Beware that doing this, if the previous box is not found on disk, will continue to evaluate prior boxes based on `ZPRIME_STEP_FACTOR`. Alternatively, one can pass a previous :class:`~IonizedBox`: >>> xHI_0 = ionize_box(redshift=8.0, flag_options={"USE_TS_FLUCT":True}) >>> xHI = ionize_box(redshift=7.0, previous_ionize_box=xHI_0) Again, the first line here will implicitly use ``ZPRIME_STEP_FACTOR`` to evolve the field from ``Z_HEAT_MAX``. Note that in the second line, all of the input parameters are taken directly from `xHI_0` so that they are consistent, and we need not specify the ``flag_options``. As the function recursively evaluates previous redshift, the previous spin temperature fields will also be consistently recursively evaluated. Only the final ionized box will actually be returned and kept in memory, however intervening results will by default be cached on disk. One can also pass an explicit spin temperature object: >>> ts = spin_temperature(redshift=7.0) >>> xHI = ionize_box(redshift=7.0, spin_temp=ts) If automatic recursion is used, then it is done in such a way that no large boxes are kept around in memory for longer than they need to be (only two at a time are required). """ direc, regenerate, hooks = _get_config_options(direc, regenerate, write, hooks) with global_params.use(**global_kwargs): _verify_types( init_boxes=init_boxes, perturbed_field=perturbed_field, previous_perturbed_field=previous_perturbed_field, previous_ionize_box=previous_ionize_box, spin_temp=spin_temp, pt_halos=pt_halos, ) # Configure and check input/output parameters/structs ( random_seed, user_params, cosmo_params, astro_params, flag_options, redshift, ) = _setup_inputs( { "random_seed": random_seed, "user_params": user_params, "cosmo_params": cosmo_params, "astro_params": astro_params, "flag_options": flag_options, }, { "init_boxes": init_boxes, "perturbed_field": perturbed_field, "previous_perturbed_field": previous_perturbed_field, "previous_ionize_box": previous_ionize_box, "spin_temp": spin_temp, "pt_halos": pt_halos, }, redshift=redshift, ) if spin_temp is not None and not flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT: logger.warning( "Changing flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT to True since spin_temp was passed." ) flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT = True # Get the previous redshift if previous_ionize_box is not None and previous_ionize_box.is_computed: prev_z = previous_ionize_box.redshift # Ensure the previous ionized box has a higher redshift than this one. if prev_z <= redshift: raise ValueError( "Previous ionized box must have a higher redshift than that being evaluated." ) elif flag_options.INHOMO_RECO or flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT: prev_z = (1 + redshift) * global_params.ZPRIME_STEP_FACTOR - 1 # if the previous box is before our starting point, we set it to zero, # which is what the C-code expects for an "initial" box if prev_z > global_params.Z_HEAT_MAX: prev_z = 0 else: prev_z = 0 box = IonizedBox( user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, redshift=redshift, astro_params=astro_params, flag_options=flag_options, random_seed=random_seed, prev_ionize_redshift=prev_z, ) # Construct FFTW wisdoms. Only if required construct_fftw_wisdoms(user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params) # Check whether the boxes already exist if not regenerate: try: "Existing z=%s ionized boxes found and read in (seed=%s)." % (redshift, box.random_seed) ) return box except OSError: pass # EVERYTHING PAST THIS POINT ONLY HAPPENS IF THE BOX DOESN'T ALREADY EXIST # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get init_box required. if init_boxes is None or not init_boxes.is_computed: init_boxes = initial_conditions( user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, random_seed=random_seed, ) # Need to update random seed box._random_seed = init_boxes.random_seed # Get appropriate previous ionization box if previous_ionize_box is None or not previous_ionize_box.is_computed: # If we are beyond Z_HEAT_MAX, just make an empty box if prev_z == 0: previous_ionize_box = IonizedBox( redshift=0, flag_options=flag_options, initial=True ) # Otherwise recursively create new previous box. else: previous_ionize_box = ionize_box( astro_params=astro_params, flag_options=flag_options, redshift=prev_z, init_boxes=init_boxes, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, cleanup=False, # We *know* we're going to need the memory again. ) # Dynamically produce the perturbed field. if perturbed_field is None or not perturbed_field.is_computed: perturbed_field = perturb_field( init_boxes=init_boxes, # NOTE: this is required, rather than using cosmo_ and user_, # since init may have a set seed. redshift=redshift, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, ) if previous_perturbed_field is None or not previous_perturbed_field.is_computed: # If we are beyond Z_HEAT_MAX, just make an empty box if not prev_z: previous_perturbed_field = PerturbedField( redshift=0, user_params=user_params, initial=True ) else: previous_perturbed_field = perturb_field( init_boxes=init_boxes, redshift=prev_z, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, ) # Dynamically produce the halo field. if not flag_options.USE_HALO_FIELD: # Construct an empty halo field to pass in to the function. pt_halos = PerturbHaloField(redshift=0, dummy=True) elif pt_halos is None or not pt_halos.is_computed: pt_halos = perturb_halo_list( redshift=redshift, init_boxes=init_boxes, halo_field=determine_halo_list( redshift=redshift, init_boxes=init_boxes, astro_params=astro_params, flag_options=flag_options, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, ), astro_params=astro_params, flag_options=flag_options, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, ) # Set empty spin temp box if necessary. if not flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT: spin_temp = TsBox(redshift=0, dummy=True) elif spin_temp is None: spin_temp = spin_temperature( perturbed_field=perturbed_field, flag_options=flag_options, init_boxes=init_boxes, direc=direc, hooks=hooks, regenerate=regenerate, cleanup=cleanup, ) # Run the C Code return box.compute( perturbed_field=perturbed_field, prev_perturbed_field=previous_perturbed_field, prev_ionize_box=previous_ionize_box, spin_temp=spin_temp, pt_halos=pt_halos, ics=init_boxes, hooks=hooks, )
[docs]def spin_temperature( *, astro_params=None, flag_options=None, redshift=None, perturbed_field=None, previous_spin_temp=None, init_boxes=None, cosmo_params=None, user_params=None, regenerate=None, write=None, direc=None, random_seed=None, cleanup=True, hooks=None, **global_kwargs, ) -> TsBox: r""" Compute spin temperature boxes at a given redshift. See the notes below for how the spin temperature field is evolved through redshift. Parameters ---------- astro_params : :class:`~AstroParams`, optional The astrophysical parameters defining the course of reionization. flag_options : :class:`~FlagOptions`, optional Some options passed to the reionization routine. redshift : float, optional The redshift at which to compute the ionized box. If not given, the redshift from `perturbed_field` will be used. Either `redshift`, `perturbed_field`, or `previous_spin_temp` must be given. See notes on `perturbed_field` for how it affects the given redshift if both are given. perturbed_field : :class:`~PerturbField`, optional If given, this field will be used, otherwise it will be generated. To be generated, either `init_boxes` and `redshift` must be given, or `user_params`, `cosmo_params` and `redshift`. By default, this will be generated at the same redshift as the spin temperature box. The redshift of perturb field is allowed to be different than `redshift`. If so, it will be interpolated to the correct redshift, which can provide a speedup compared to actually computing it at the desired redshift. previous_spin_temp : :class:`TsBox` or None The previous spin temperature box. init_boxes : :class:`~InitialConditions`, optional If given, and `perturbed_field` *not* given, these initial conditions boxes will be used to generate the perturbed field, otherwise initial conditions will be generated on the fly. If given, the user and cosmo params will be set from this object. user_params : :class:`~UserParams`, optional Defines the overall options and parameters of the run. cosmo_params : :class:`~CosmoParams`, optional Defines the cosmological parameters used to compute initial conditions. cleanup : bool, optional A flag to specify whether the C routine cleans up its memory before returning. Typically, if `spin_temperature` is called directly, you will want this to be true, as if the next box to be calculate has different shape, errors will occur if memory is not cleaned. However, it can be useful to set it to False if scrolling through parameters for the same box shape. \*\*global_kwargs : Any attributes for :class:`~py21cmfast.inputs.GlobalParams`. This will *temporarily* set global attributes for the duration of the function. Note that arguments will be treated as case-insensitive. Returns ------- :class:`~TsBox` An object containing the spin temperature box data. Other Parameters ---------------- regenerate, write, direc, random_seed : See docs of :func:`initial_conditions` for more information. Notes ----- Typically, the spin temperature field at any redshift is dependent on the evolution of spin temperature up until that redshift, which necessitates providing a previous spin temperature field to define the current one. This function provides several options for doing so. Either (in order of precedence): 1. a specific previous spin temperature object is provided, which will be used directly, 2. a previous redshift is provided, for which a cached field on disk will be sought, 3. a step factor is provided which recursively steps through redshift, calculating previous fields up until Z_HEAT_MAX, and returning just the final field at the current redshift, or 4. the function is instructed to treat the current field as being an initial "high-redshift" field such that specific sources need not be found and evolved. .. note:: If a previous specific redshift is given, but no cached field is found at that redshift, the previous spin temperature field will be evaluated based on ``z_step_factor``. Examples -------- To calculate and return a fully evolved spin temperature field at a given redshift (with default input parameters), simply use: >>> ts_box = spin_temperature(redshift=7.0) This will by default evolve the field from a redshift of *at least* `Z_HEAT_MAX` (a global parameter), in logarithmic steps of `z_step_factor`. Thus to change these: >>> ts_box = spin_temperature(redshift=7.0, zprime_step_factor=1.2, z_heat_max=15.0) Alternatively, one can pass an exact previous redshift, which will be sought in the disk cache, or evaluated: >>> ts_box = spin_temperature(redshift=7.0, previous_spin_temp=8.0) Beware that doing this, if the previous box is not found on disk, will continue to evaluate prior boxes based on the ``z_step_factor``. Alternatively, one can pass a previous spin temperature box: >>> ts_box1 = spin_temperature(redshift=8.0) >>> ts_box = spin_temperature(redshift=7.0, previous_spin_temp=ts_box1) Again, the first line here will implicitly use ``z_step_factor`` to evolve the field from around ``Z_HEAT_MAX``. Note that in the second line, all of the input parameters are taken directly from `ts_box1` so that they are consistent. Finally, one can force the function to evaluate the current redshift as if it was beyond ``Z_HEAT_MAX`` so that it depends only on itself: >>> ts_box = spin_temperature(redshift=7.0, zprime_step_factor=None) This is usually a bad idea, and will give a warning, but it is possible. """ direc, regenerate, hooks = _get_config_options(direc, regenerate, write, hooks) with global_params.use(**global_kwargs): # Configure and check input/output parameters/structs ( random_seed, user_params, cosmo_params, astro_params, flag_options, ) = _setup_inputs( { "random_seed": random_seed, "user_params": user_params, "cosmo_params": cosmo_params, "astro_params": astro_params, "flag_options": flag_options, }, { "init_boxes": init_boxes, "perturbed_field": perturbed_field, "previous_spin_temp": previous_spin_temp, }, ) # Try to determine redshift from other inputs, if required. # Note that perturb_field does not need to match redshift here. if redshift is None: if perturbed_field is not None: redshift = perturbed_field.redshift elif previous_spin_temp is not None: redshift = ( previous_spin_temp.redshift + 1 ) / global_params.ZPRIME_STEP_FACTOR - 1 else: raise ValueError( "Either the redshift, perturbed_field or previous_spin_temp must be given." ) # Explicitly set this flag to True, though it shouldn't be required! flag_options.update(USE_TS_FLUCT=True) # Get the previous redshift if previous_spin_temp is not None: prev_z = previous_spin_temp.redshift else: if redshift < global_params.Z_HEAT_MAX: # In general runs, we only compute the spin temperature *below* Z_HEAT_MAX. # Above this, we don't need a prev_z at all, because we can calculate # directly at whatever redshift it is. prev_z = min( global_params.Z_HEAT_MAX, (1 + redshift) * global_params.ZPRIME_STEP_FACTOR - 1, ) else: # Set prev_z to anything, since we don't need it. prev_z = np.inf # Ensure the previous spin temperature has a higher redshift than this one. if prev_z <= redshift: raise ValueError( "Previous spin temperature box must have a higher redshift than " "that being evaluated." ) # Set up the box without computing anything. box = TsBox( user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, redshift=redshift, astro_params=astro_params, flag_options=flag_options, random_seed=random_seed, prev_spin_redshift=prev_z, perturbed_field_redshift=( perturbed_field.redshift if (perturbed_field is not None and perturbed_field.is_computed) else redshift ), ) # Construct FFTW wisdoms. Only if required construct_fftw_wisdoms(user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params) # Check whether the boxes already exist on disk. if not regenerate: try: f"Existing z={redshift} spin_temp boxes found and read in " f"(seed={box.random_seed})." ) return box except OSError: pass # EVERYTHING PAST THIS POINT ONLY HAPPENS IF THE BOX DOESN'T ALREADY EXIST # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Dynamically produce the initial conditions. if init_boxes is None or not init_boxes.is_computed: init_boxes = initial_conditions( user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, random_seed=random_seed, ) # Need to update random seed box._random_seed = init_boxes.random_seed # Create appropriate previous_spin_temp if previous_spin_temp is None: if redshift >= global_params.Z_HEAT_MAX: # We end up never even using this box, just need to define it # unallocated to be able to send into the C code. previous_spin_temp = TsBox( redshift=prev_z, # redshift here is ignored user_params=init_boxes.user_params, cosmo_params=init_boxes.cosmo_params, astro_params=astro_params, flag_options=flag_options, dummy=True, ) else: previous_spin_temp = spin_temperature( init_boxes=init_boxes, astro_params=astro_params, flag_options=flag_options, redshift=prev_z, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, cleanup=False, # we know we'll need the memory again ) # Dynamically produce the perturbed field. if perturbed_field is None or not perturbed_field.is_computed: perturbed_field = perturb_field( redshift=redshift, init_boxes=init_boxes, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, ) # Run the C Code return box.compute( cleanup=cleanup, perturbed_field=perturbed_field, prev_spin_temp=previous_spin_temp, ics=init_boxes, hooks=hooks, )
[docs]def brightness_temperature( *, ionized_box, perturbed_field, spin_temp=None, write=None, regenerate=None, direc=None, hooks=None, **global_kwargs, ) -> BrightnessTemp: r""" Compute a coeval brightness temperature box. Parameters ---------- ionized_box: :class:`IonizedBox` A pre-computed ionized box. perturbed_field: :class:`PerturbedField` A pre-computed perturbed field at the same redshift as `ionized_box`. spin_temp: :class:`TsBox`, optional A pre-computed spin temperature, at the same redshift as the other boxes. \*\*global_kwargs : Any attributes for :class:`~py21cmfast.inputs.GlobalParams`. This will *temporarily* set global attributes for the duration of the function. Note that arguments will be treated as case-insensitive. Returns ------- :class:`BrightnessTemp` instance. """ direc, regenerate, hooks = _get_config_options(direc, regenerate, write, hooks) with global_params.use(**global_kwargs): _verify_types( perturbed_field=perturbed_field, spin_temp=spin_temp, ionized_box=ionized_box, ) # don't ignore redshift here _check_compatible_inputs(ionized_box, perturbed_field, spin_temp, ignore=[]) # ensure ionized_box and perturbed_field aren't None, as we don't do # any dynamic calculations here. if ionized_box is None or perturbed_field is None: raise ValueError("both ionized_box and perturbed_field must be specified.") if spin_temp is None: if ionized_box.flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT: raise ValueError( "You have USE_TS_FLUCT=True, but have not provided a spin_temp!" ) # Make an unused dummy box. spin_temp = TsBox(redshift=0, dummy=True) box = BrightnessTemp( user_params=ionized_box.user_params, cosmo_params=ionized_box.cosmo_params, astro_params=ionized_box.astro_params, flag_options=ionized_box.flag_options, redshift=ionized_box.redshift, random_seed=ionized_box.random_seed, ) # Construct FFTW wisdoms. Only if required construct_fftw_wisdoms( user_params=ionized_box.user_params, cosmo_params=ionized_box.cosmo_params ) # Check whether the boxes already exist on disk. if not regenerate: try: f"Existing brightness_temp box found and read in (seed={box.random_seed})." ) return box except OSError: pass return box.compute( spin_temp=spin_temp, ionized_box=ionized_box, perturbed_field=perturbed_field, hooks=hooks, )
def _logscroll_redshifts(min_redshift, z_step_factor, zmax): redshifts = [min_redshift] while redshifts[-1] < zmax: redshifts.append((redshifts[-1] + 1.0) * z_step_factor - 1.0) return redshifts[::-1]
[docs]def run_coeval( *, redshift=None, user_params=None, cosmo_params=None, astro_params=None, flag_options=None, regenerate=None, write=None, direc=None, init_box=None, perturb=None, use_interp_perturb_field=False, pt_halos=None, random_seed=None, cleanup=True, hooks=None, always_purge: bool = False, **global_kwargs, ): r""" Evaluate a coeval ionized box at a given redshift, or multiple redshifts. This is generally the easiest and most efficient way to generate a set of coeval cubes at a given set of redshift. It self-consistently deals with situations in which the field needs to be evolved, and does this with the highest memory-efficiency, only returning the desired redshift. All other calculations are by default stored in the on-disk cache so they can be re-used at a later time. .. note:: User-supplied redshift are *not* used as previous redshift in any scrolling, so that pristine log-sampling can be maintained. Parameters ---------- redshift: array_like A single redshift, or multiple redshift, at which to return results. The minimum of these will define the log-scrolling behaviour (if necessary). user_params : :class:`~inputs.UserParams`, optional Defines the overall options and parameters of the run. cosmo_params : :class:`~inputs.CosmoParams` , optional Defines the cosmological parameters used to compute initial conditions. astro_params : :class:`~inputs.AstroParams` , optional The astrophysical parameters defining the course of reionization. flag_options : :class:`~inputs.FlagOptions` , optional Some options passed to the reionization routine. init_box : :class:`~InitialConditions`, optional If given, the user and cosmo params will be set from this object, and it will not be re-calculated. perturb : list of :class:`~PerturbedField`, optional If given, must be compatible with init_box. It will merely negate the necessity of re-calculating the perturb fields. use_interp_perturb_field : bool, optional Whether to use a single perturb field, at the lowest redshift of the lightcone, to determine all spin temperature fields. If so, this field is interpolated in the underlying C-code to the correct redshift. This is less accurate (and no more efficient), but provides compatibility with older versions of 21cmFAST. pt_halos : bool, optional If given, must be compatible with init_box. It will merely negate the necessity of re-calculating the perturbed halo lists. cleanup : bool, optional A flag to specify whether the C routine cleans up its memory before returning. Typically, if `spin_temperature` is called directly, you will want this to be true, as if the next box to be calculate has different shape, errors will occur if memory is not cleaned. Note that internally, this is set to False until the last iteration. \*\*global_kwargs : Any attributes for :class:`~py21cmfast.inputs.GlobalParams`. This will *temporarily* set global attributes for the duration of the function. Note that arguments will be treated as case-insensitive. Returns ------- coevals : :class:`~py21cmfast.outputs.Coeval` The full data for the Coeval class, with init boxes, perturbed fields, ionized boxes, brightness temperature, and potential data from the conservation of photons. If a single redshift was specified, it will return such a class. If multiple redshifts were passed, it will return a list of such classes. Other Parameters ---------------- regenerate, write, direc, random_seed : See docs of :func:`initial_conditions` for more information. """ with global_params.use(**global_kwargs): if redshift is None and perturb is None: raise ValueError("Either redshift or perturb must be given") direc, regenerate, hooks = _get_config_options(direc, regenerate, write, hooks) singleton = False # Ensure perturb is a list of boxes, not just one. if perturb is None: perturb = [] elif not hasattr(perturb, "__len__"): perturb = [perturb] singleton = True # Ensure perturbed halo field is a list of boxes, not just one. if flag_options is None or pt_halos is None: pt_halos = [] elif ( flag_options["USE_HALO_FIELD"] if isinstance(flag_options, dict) else flag_options.USE_HALO_FIELD ): pt_halos = [pt_halos] if not hasattr(pt_halos, "__len__") else [] else: pt_halos = [] ( random_seed, user_params, cosmo_params, astro_params, flag_options, ) = _setup_inputs( { "random_seed": random_seed, "user_params": user_params, "cosmo_params": cosmo_params, "astro_params": astro_params, "flag_options": flag_options, }, ) if use_interp_perturb_field and flag_options.USE_MINI_HALOS: raise ValueError("Cannot use an interpolated perturb field with minihalos!") iokw = {"regenerate": regenerate, "hooks": hooks, "direc": direc} if init_box is None: init_box = initial_conditions( user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, random_seed=random_seed, **iokw, ) # We can go ahead and purge some of the stuff in the init_box, but only if # it is cached -- otherwise we could be losing information. try: init_box.prepare_for_perturb(flag_options=flag_options, force=always_purge) except OSError: pass if perturb: if redshift is not None and any( p.redshift != z for p, z in zip(perturb, redshift) ): raise ValueError("Input redshifts do not match perturb field redshifts") else: redshift = [p.redshift for p in perturb] if ( flag_options.USE_HALO_FIELD and pt_halos and any(p.redshift != z for p, z in zip(pt_halos, redshift)) ): raise ValueError( "Input redshifts do not match the perturbed halo field redshifts" ) kw = { **{ "astro_params": astro_params, "flag_options": flag_options, "init_boxes": init_box, }, **iokw, } if flag_options.PHOTON_CONS: calibrate_photon_cons(**kw) if not hasattr(redshift, "__len__"): singleton = True redshift = [redshift] # Get the list of redshift we need to scroll through. redshifts = _get_required_redshifts_coeval(flag_options, redshift) # Get all the perturb boxes early. We need to get the perturb at every # redshift, even if we are interpolating the perturb field, because the # ionize box needs it. pz = [p.redshift for p in perturb] perturb_ = [] for z in redshifts: p = ( perturb_field(redshift=z, init_boxes=init_box, **iokw) if z not in pz else perturb[pz.index(z)] ) if user_params.MINIMIZE_MEMORY: try: p.purge(force=always_purge) except OSError: pass perturb_.append(p) perturb = perturb_ # Now we can purge init_box further. try: init_box.prepare_for_spin_temp( flag_options=flag_options, force=always_purge ) except OSError: pass if flag_options.USE_HALO_FIELD and not pt_halos: for z in redshift: pt_halos += [ perturb_halo_list( redshift=z, halo_field=determine_halo_list(redshift=z, **kw), **kw, ) ] if ( flag_options.PHOTON_CONS and np.amin(redshifts) < global_params.PhotonConsEndCalibz ): raise ValueError( f"You have passed a redshift (z = {np.amin(redshifts)}) that is lower than" "the endpoint of the photon non-conservation correction" f"(global_params.PhotonConsEndCalibz = {global_params.PhotonConsEndCalibz})." "If this behaviour is desired then set global_params.PhotonConsEndCalibz" f"to a value lower than z = {np.amin(redshifts)}." ) ib_tracker = [0] * len(redshift) bt = [0] * len(redshift) st, ib, pf = None, None, None # At first we don't have any "previous" st or ib. perturb_min = perturb[np.argmin(redshift)] st_tracker = [None] * len(redshift) spin_temp_files = [] perturb_files = [] ionize_files = [] brightness_files = [] # Iterate through redshift from top to bottom for iz, z in enumerate(redshifts): pf2 = perturb[iz] pf2.load_all() if flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT: logger.debug(f"Doing spin temp for z={z}.") st2 = spin_temperature( redshift=z, previous_spin_temp=st, # remember that perturb field is interpolated, so no need to provide exact one. perturbed_field=perturb_min if use_interp_perturb_field else pf2, # cleanup if its the last time through cleanup=cleanup and z == redshifts[-1], **kw, ) if z not in redshift: st = st2 ib2 = ionize_box( redshift=z, previous_ionize_box=ib, perturbed_field=pf2, # perturb field *not* interpolated here. previous_perturbed_field=pf, pt_halos=( pt_halos[redshift.index(z)] if (z in redshift and flag_options.USE_HALO_FIELD) else None ), spin_temp=st2 if flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT else None, z_heat_max=global_params.Z_HEAT_MAX, # cleanup if its the last time through cleanup=cleanup and z == redshifts[-1], **kw, ) if pf is not None: try: pf.purge(force=always_purge) except OSError: pass if z in redshift: logger.debug(f"PID={os.getpid()} doing brightness temp for z={z}") ib_tracker[redshift.index(z)] = ib2 st_tracker[redshift.index(z)] = ( st2 if flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT else None ) _bt = brightness_temperature( ionized_box=ib2, perturbed_field=pf2, spin_temp=st2 if flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT else None, **iokw, ) bt[redshift.index(z)] = _bt else: ib = ib2 pf = pf2 _bt = None perturb_files.append((z, os.path.join(direc, pf2.filename))) if flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT: spin_temp_files.append((z, os.path.join(direc, st2.filename))) ionize_files.append((z, os.path.join(direc, ib2.filename))) if _bt is not None: brightness_files.append((z, os.path.join(direc, _bt.filename))) if flag_options.PHOTON_CONS: photon_nonconservation_data = _get_photon_nonconservation_data() if photon_nonconservation_data: lib.FreePhotonConsMemory() else: photon_nonconservation_data = None if ( flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT and user_params.USE_INTERPOLATION_TABLES and lib.interpolation_tables_allocated ): lib.FreeTsInterpolationTables(flag_options()) coevals = [ Coeval( redshift=z, initial_conditions=init_box, perturbed_field=perturb[redshifts.index(z)], ionized_box=ib, brightness_temp=_bt, ts_box=st, photon_nonconservation_data=photon_nonconservation_data, cache_files={ "init": [(0, os.path.join(direc, init_box.filename))], "perturb_field": perturb_files, "ionized_box": ionize_files, "brightness_temp": brightness_files, "spin_temp": spin_temp_files, }, ) for z, ib, _bt, st in zip(redshift, ib_tracker, bt, st_tracker) ] # If a single redshift was passed, then pass back singletons. if singleton: coevals = coevals[0] logger.debug("Returning from Coeval") return coevals
def _get_required_redshifts_coeval(flag_options, redshift) -> list[float]: if min(redshift) < global_params.Z_HEAT_MAX and ( flag_options.INHOMO_RECO or flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT ): redshifts = _logscroll_redshifts( min(redshift), global_params.ZPRIME_STEP_FACTOR, global_params.Z_HEAT_MAX, ) # Set the highest redshift to exactly Z_HEAT_MAX. This makes the coeval run # at exactly the same redshift as the spin temperature box. There's literally # no point going higher for a coeval, since the user is only interested in # the final "redshift" (if they've specified a z in redshift that is higher # that Z_HEAT_MAX, we add it back in below, and so they'll still get it). redshifts = np.clip(redshifts, None, global_params.Z_HEAT_MAX) else: redshifts = [min(redshift)] # Add in the redshift defined by the user, and sort in order # Turn into a set so that exact matching user-set redshift # don't double-up with scrolling ones. redshifts = np.concatenate((redshifts, redshift)) redshifts = np.sort(np.unique(redshifts))[::-1] return redshifts.tolist()
[docs]def run_lightcone( *, redshift: float = None, max_redshift: float = None, lightcone_quantities=("brightness_temp",), lightconer: Lightconer | None = None, user_params=None, cosmo_params=None, astro_params=None, flag_options=None, regenerate=None, write=None, global_quantities=("brightness_temp", "xH_box"), direc=None, init_box=None, perturb=None, random_seed=None, coeval_callback=None, coeval_callback_redshifts=1, use_interp_perturb_field=False, cleanup=True, hooks=None, always_purge: bool = False, lightcone_filename: str | Path = None, return_at_z: float = 0.0, **global_kwargs, ): r""" Evaluate a full lightcone ending at a given redshift. This is generally the easiest and most efficient way to generate a lightcone, though it can be done manually by using the lower-level functions which are called by this function. Parameters ---------- redshift : float The minimum redshift of the lightcone. max_redshift : float, optional The maximum redshift at which to keep lightcone information. By default, this is equal to `z_heat_max`. Note that this is not *exact*, but will be typically slightly exceeded. user_params : `~UserParams`, optional Defines the overall options and parameters of the run. astro_params : :class:`~AstroParams`, optional Defines the astrophysical parameters of the run. cosmo_params : :class:`~CosmoParams`, optional Defines the cosmological parameters used to compute initial conditions. flag_options : :class:`~FlagOptions`, optional Options concerning how the reionization process is run, eg. if spin temperature fluctuations are required. lightcone_quantities : tuple of str, optional The quantities to form into a lightcone. By default, just the brightness temperature. Note that these quantities must exist in one of the output structures: * :class:`~InitialConditions` * :class:`~PerturbField` * :class:`~TsBox` * :class:`~IonizedBox` * :class:`BrightnessTemp` To get a full list of possible quantities, run :func:`get_all_fieldnames`. global_quantities : tuple of str, optional The quantities to save as globally-averaged redshift-dependent functions. These may be any of the quantities that can be used in ``lightcone_quantities``. The mean is taken over the full 3D cube at each redshift, rather than a 2D slice. init_box : :class:`~InitialConditions`, optional If given, the user and cosmo params will be set from this object, and it will not be re-calculated. perturb : list of :class:`~PerturbedField`, optional If given, must be compatible with init_box. It will merely negate the necessity of re-calculating the perturb fields. It will also be used to set the redshift if given. coeval_callback : callable, optional User-defined arbitrary function computed on :class:`~Coeval`, at redshifts defined in `coeval_callback_redshifts`. If given, the function returns :class:`~LightCone` and the list of `coeval_callback` outputs. coeval_callback_redshifts : list or int, optional Redshifts for `coeval_callback` computation. If list, computes the function on `node_redshifts` closest to the specified ones. If positive integer, computes the function on every n-th redshift in `node_redshifts`. Ignored in the case `coeval_callback is None`. use_interp_perturb_field : bool, optional Whether to use a single perturb field, at the lowest redshift of the lightcone, to determine all spin temperature fields. If so, this field is interpolated in the underlying C-code to the correct redshift. This is less accurate (and no more efficient), but provides compatibility with older versions of 21cmFAST. cleanup : bool, optional A flag to specify whether the C routine cleans up its memory before returning. Typically, if `spin_temperature` is called directly, you will want this to be true, as if the next box to be calculate has different shape, errors will occur if memory is not cleaned. Note that internally, this is set to False until the last iteration. minimize_memory_usage If switched on, the routine will do all it can to minimize peak memory usage. This will be at the cost of disk I/O and CPU time. Recommended to only set this if you are running particularly large boxes, or have low RAM. lightcone_filename The filename to which to save the lightcone. The lightcone is returned in memory, and can be saved manually later, but including this filename will save the lightcone on each iteration, which can be helpful for checkpointing. return_at_z If given, evaluation of the lightcone will be stopped at the given redshift, and the partial lightcone object will be returned. Lightcone evaluation can continue if the returned lightcone is saved to file, and this file is passed as `lightcone_filename`. \*\*global_kwargs : Any attributes for :class:`~py21cmfast.inputs.GlobalParams`. This will *temporarily* set global attributes for the duration of the function. Note that arguments will be treated as case-insensitive. Returns ------- lightcone : :class:`~py21cmfast.LightCone` The lightcone object. coeval_callback_output : list Only if coeval_callback in not None. Other Parameters ---------------- regenerate, write, direc, random_seed See docs of :func:`initial_conditions` for more information. """ direc, regenerate, hooks = _get_config_options(direc, regenerate, write, hooks) if cosmo_params is None and lightconer is not None: cosmo_params = CosmoParams.from_astropy(lightconer.cosmo) with global_params.use(**global_kwargs): # First, get the parameters OTHER than redshift... ( random_seed, user_params, cosmo_params, flag_options, astro_params, ) = _setup_inputs( { "random_seed": random_seed, "user_params": user_params, "cosmo_params": cosmo_params, "flag_options": flag_options, "astro_params": astro_params, }, {"init_box": init_box, "perturb": perturb}, ) if redshift is None and perturb is None: if lightconer is None: raise ValueError( "You must provide either redshift, perturb or lightconer" ) else: redshift = lightconer.lc_redshifts.min() elif redshift is None: redshift = perturb.redshift elif redshift is not None: warnings.warn( "passing redshift directly is deprecated, please use the Lightconer interface instead", category=DeprecationWarning, ) if user_params.MINIMIZE_MEMORY and not write: raise ValueError( "If trying to minimize memory usage, you must be caching. Set write=True!" ) max_redshift = ( global_params.Z_HEAT_MAX if ( flag_options.INHOMO_RECO or flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT or (max_redshift is None and lightconer is None) ) else ( max_redshift if max_redshift is not None else lightconer.lc_redshifts.max() ) ) if lightconer is None: lightconer = RectilinearLightconer.with_equal_cdist_slices( min_redshift=redshift, max_redshift=max_redshift, resolution=user_params.cell_size, cosmo=cosmo_params.cosmo, quantities=lightcone_quantities, get_los_velocity=not flag_options.APPLY_RSDS, ) lightconer.validate_options(user_params, flag_options) # Get the redshift through which we scroll and evaluate the ionization field. scrollz = np.array( _logscroll_redshifts( redshift, global_params.ZPRIME_STEP_FACTOR, max_redshift ) ) lcz = lightconer.lc_redshifts if not np.all(min(scrollz) * 0.99 < lcz) and np.all(lcz < max(scrollz) * 1.01): # We have a 1% tolerance on the redshifts, because the lightcone redshifts are # computed via inverse fitting the comoving_distance. raise ValueError( "The lightcone redshifts are not compatible with the given redshift." f"The range of computed redshifts is {min(scrollz)} to {max(scrollz)}, " f"while the lightcone redshift range is {lcz.min()} to {lcz.max()}." ) if ( flag_options.PHOTON_CONS and np.amin(scrollz) < global_params.PhotonConsEndCalibz ): raise ValueError( f""" You have passed a redshift (z = {np.amin(scrollz)}) that is lower than the endpoint of the photon non-conservation correction (global_params.PhotonConsEndCalibz = {global_params.PhotonConsEndCalibz}). If this behaviour is desired then set global_params.PhotonConsEndCalibz to a value lower than z = {np.amin(scrollz)}. """ ) coeval_callback_output = [] compute_coeval_callback = _get_coeval_callbacks( scrollz, coeval_callback, coeval_callback_redshifts ) iokw = {"hooks": hooks, "regenerate": regenerate, "direc": direc} if init_box is None: # no need to get cosmo, user params out of it. init_box = initial_conditions( user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, random_seed=random_seed, **iokw, ) # We can go ahead and purge some of the stuff in the init_box, but only if # it is cached -- otherwise we could be losing information. try: # TODO: should really check that the file at path actually contains a fully # working copy of the init_box. init_box.prepare_for_perturb(flag_options=flag_options, force=always_purge) except OSError: pass if lightcone_filename and Path(lightcone_filename).exists(): lightcone = scrollz = scrollz[scrollz < lightcone._current_redshift] if len(scrollz) == 0: # The entire lightcone is already full! f"Lightcone already full at z={lightcone._current_redshift}. Returning." ) return lightcone lc = lightcone.lightcones else: lcn_cls = ( LightCone if isinstance(lightconer, RectilinearLightconer) else AngularLightcone ) lc = { quantity: np.zeros( lightconer.get_shape(user_params), dtype=np.float32, ) for quantity in lightconer.quantities } # Special case: AngularLightconer can also save los_velocity if getattr(lightconer, "get_los_velocity", False): lc["los_velocity"] = np.zeros( lightconer.get_shape(user_params), dtype=np.float32 ) lightcone = lcn_cls( redshift, lightconer.lc_distances, user_params, cosmo_params, astro_params, flag_options, init_box.random_seed, lc, node_redshifts=scrollz, global_quantities={ quantity: np.zeros(len(scrollz)) for quantity in global_quantities }, _globals=dict(global_params.items()), ) if perturb is None: zz = scrollz else: zz = scrollz[:-1] perturb_ = [] for z in zz: p = perturb_field(redshift=z, init_boxes=init_box, **iokw) if user_params.MINIMIZE_MEMORY: try: p.purge(force=always_purge) except OSError: pass perturb_.append(p) if perturb is not None: perturb_.append(perturb) perturb = perturb_ perturb_min = perturb[np.argmin(scrollz)] # Now that we've got all the perturb fields, we can purge init more. try: init_box.prepare_for_spin_temp( flag_options=flag_options, force=always_purge ) except OSError: pass kw = { **{ "init_boxes": init_box, "astro_params": astro_params, "flag_options": flag_options, }, **iokw, } if flag_options.PHOTON_CONS: calibrate_photon_cons(**kw) if return_at_z > lightcone.redshift and not write: raise ValueError( "Returning before the final redshift requires caching in order to " "continue the simulation later. Set write=True!" ) # Iterate through redshift from top to bottom if lightcone.redshift != lightcone._current_redshift: f"Finding boxes at z={lightcone._current_redshift} with seed {lightcone.random_seed} and direc={direc}" ) cached_boxes = get_boxes_at_redshift( redshift=lightcone._current_redshift, seed=lightcone.random_seed, direc=direc, user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, flag_options=flag_options, astro_params=astro_params, ) try: st = cached_boxes["TsBox"][0] if flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT else None prev_perturb = cached_boxes["PerturbedField"][0] ib = cached_boxes["IonizedBox"][0] except (KeyError, IndexError): raise OSError( f"No component boxes found at z={lightcone._current_redshift} with " f"seed {lightcone.random_seed} and direc={direc}. You need to have " "run with write=True to continue from a checkpoint." ) pf = prev_perturb else: st, ib, prev_perturb = None, None, None pf = None pf = None perturb_files = [] spin_temp_files = [] ionize_files = [] brightness_files = [] log10_mturnovers = np.zeros(len(scrollz)) log10_mturnovers_mini = np.zeros(len(scrollz)) coeval = None prev_coeval = None st2 = None pt_halos = None if lightcone_filename and not Path(lightcone_filename).exists(): for iz, z in enumerate(scrollz):"Computing Redshift {z} ({iz+1}/{len(scrollz)}) iterations.") # Best to get a perturb for this redshift, to pass to brightness_temperature pf2 = perturb[iz] # This ensures that all the arrays that are required for spin_temp are there, # in case we dumped them from memory into file. pf2.load_all() if flag_options.USE_HALO_FIELD: halo_field = determine_halo_list(redshift=z, **kw) pt_halos = perturb_halo_list(redshift=z, halo_field=halo_field, **kw) if flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT: st2 = spin_temperature( redshift=z, previous_spin_temp=st, perturbed_field=perturb_min if use_interp_perturb_field else pf2, cleanup=(cleanup and iz == (len(scrollz) - 1)), **kw, ) ib2 = ionize_box( redshift=z, previous_ionize_box=ib, perturbed_field=pf2, previous_perturbed_field=prev_perturb, spin_temp=st2, pt_halos=pt_halos, cleanup=(cleanup and iz == (len(scrollz) - 1)), **kw, ) log10_mturnovers[iz] = ib2.log10_Mturnover_ave log10_mturnovers_mini[iz] = ib2.log10_Mturnover_MINI_ave bt2 = brightness_temperature( ionized_box=ib2, perturbed_field=pf2, spin_temp=st2 if flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT else None, **iokw, ) coeval = Coeval( redshift=z, initial_conditions=init_box, perturbed_field=pf2, ionized_box=ib2, brightness_temp=bt2, ts_box=st2 if flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT else None, photon_nonconservation_data=( _get_photon_nonconservation_data() if flag_options.PHOTON_CONS else None ), _globals=None, ) if coeval_callback is not None and compute_coeval_callback[iz]: try: coeval_callback_output.append(coeval_callback(coeval)) except Exception as e: if sum(compute_coeval_callback[: iz + 1]) == 1: raise RuntimeError( f"coeval_callback computation failed on first trial, z={z}." ) else: logger.warning( f"coeval_callback computation failed on z={z}, skipping. {type(e).__name__}: {e}" ) perturb_files.append((z, os.path.join(direc, pf2.filename))) if flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT: spin_temp_files.append((z, os.path.join(direc, st2.filename))) ionize_files.append((z, os.path.join(direc, ib2.filename))) brightness_files.append((z, os.path.join(direc, bt2.filename))) # Save mean/global quantities for quantity in global_quantities: lightcone.global_quantities[quantity][iz] = np.mean( getattr(coeval, quantity) ) # Get lightcone slices if prev_coeval is not None: for quantity, idx, this_lc in lightconer.make_lightcone_slices( coeval, prev_coeval ): if this_lc is not None: lightcone.lightcones[quantity][..., idx] = this_lc lc_index = idx if lightcone_filename: lightcone.make_checkpoint( lightcone_filename, redshift=z, index=lc_index ) # Save current ones as old ones. if flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT: st = st2 ib = ib2 if flag_options.USE_MINI_HALOS: prev_perturb = pf2 prev_coeval = coeval if pf is not None: try: pf.purge(force=always_purge) except OSError: pass pf = pf2 if z <= return_at_z: # Optionally return when the lightcone is only partially filled break if flag_options.PHOTON_CONS: photon_nonconservation_data = _get_photon_nonconservation_data() if photon_nonconservation_data: lib.FreePhotonConsMemory() else: photon_nonconservation_data = None if ( flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT and user_params.USE_INTERPOLATION_TABLES and lib.interpolation_tables_allocated ): lib.FreeTsInterpolationTables(flag_options()) if isinstance(lightcone, AngularLightcone) and lightconer.get_los_velocity: lightcone.compute_rsds( fname=lightcone_filename, n_subcells=astro_params.N_RSD_STEPS ) # Append some info to the lightcone before we return lightcone.photon_nonconservation_data = photon_nonconservation_data lightcone.cache_files = { "init": [(0, os.path.join(direc, init_box.filename))], "perturb_field": perturb_files, "ionized_box": ionize_files, "brightness_temp": brightness_files, "spin_temp": spin_temp_files, } if coeval_callback is None: return lightcone else: return lightcone, coeval_callback_output
def _get_coeval_callbacks( scrollz: list[float], coeval_callback, coeval_callback_redshifts ) -> list[bool]: compute_coeval_callback = [False] * len(scrollz) if coeval_callback is not None: if isinstance(coeval_callback_redshifts, (list, np.ndarray)): for coeval_z in coeval_callback_redshifts: assert isinstance(coeval_z, (int, float, np.number)) compute_coeval_callback[ np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(scrollz) - coeval_z)) ] = True if sum(compute_coeval_callback) != len(coeval_callback_redshifts): logger.warning( "some of the coeval_callback_redshifts refer to the same node_redshift" ) elif ( isinstance(coeval_callback_redshifts, int) and coeval_callback_redshifts > 0 ): compute_coeval_callback = [ not i % coeval_callback_redshifts for i in range(len(scrollz)) ] else: raise ValueError("coeval_callback_redshifts has to be list or integer > 0.") return compute_coeval_callback
[docs]def calibrate_photon_cons( astro_params, flag_options, regenerate, hooks, direc, init_boxes: InitialConditions | None = None, user_params: UserParams | None = None, cosmo_params: CosmoParams | None = None, **global_kwargs, ): r""" Set up the photon non-conservation correction. Scrolls through in redshift, turning off all flag_options to construct a 21cmFAST calibration reionisation history to be matched to the analytic expression from solving the filling factor ODE. Parameters ---------- user_params : `~UserParams`, optional Defines the overall options and parameters of the run. astro_params : :class:`~AstroParams`, optional Defines the astrophysical parameters of the run. cosmo_params : :class:`~CosmoParams`, optional Defines the cosmological parameters used to compute initial conditions. flag_options: :class:`~FlagOptions`, optional Options concerning how the reionization process is run, eg. if spin temperature fluctuations are required. init_box : :class:`~InitialConditions`, optional If given, the user and cosmo params will be set from this object, and it will not be re-calculated. \*\*global_kwargs : Any attributes for :class:`~py21cmfast.inputs.GlobalParams`. This will *temporarily* set global attributes for the duration of the function. Note that arguments will be treated as case-insensitive. Other Parameters ---------------- regenerate, write See docs of :func:`initial_conditions` for more information. """ direc, regenerate, hooks = _get_config_options(direc, regenerate, None, hooks) if init_boxes is not None: cosmo_params = init_boxes.cosmo_params user_params = init_boxes.user_params if cosmo_params is None or user_params is None: raise ValueError( "user_params and cosmo_params must be given if init_boxes is not" ) if not flag_options.PHOTON_CONS: return with global_params.use(**global_kwargs): # Create a new astro_params and flag_options just for the photon_cons correction astro_params_photoncons = deepcopy(astro_params) astro_params_photoncons._R_BUBBLE_MAX = astro_params.R_BUBBLE_MAX flag_options_photoncons = FlagOptions( USE_MASS_DEPENDENT_ZETA=flag_options.USE_MASS_DEPENDENT_ZETA, M_MIN_in_Mass=flag_options.M_MIN_in_Mass, ) ib = None prev_perturb = None # Arrays for redshift and neutral fraction for the calibration curve z_for_photon_cons = [] neutral_fraction_photon_cons = [] # Initialise the analytic expression for the reionisation history"About to start photon conservation correction") _init_photon_conservation_correction( user_params=user_params, cosmo_params=cosmo_params, astro_params=astro_params, flag_options=flag_options, ) # Determine the starting redshift to start scrolling through to create the # calibration reionisation history"Calculating photon conservation zstart") z = _calc_zstart_photon_cons() while z > global_params.PhotonConsEndCalibz: # Determine the ionisation box with recombinations, spin temperature etc. # turned off. this_perturb = perturb_field( redshift=z, init_boxes=init_boxes, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, ) ib2 = ionize_box( redshift=z, previous_ionize_box=ib, init_boxes=init_boxes, perturbed_field=this_perturb, previous_perturbed_field=prev_perturb, astro_params=astro_params_photoncons, flag_options=flag_options_photoncons, spin_temp=None, regenerate=regenerate, hooks=hooks, direc=direc, ) mean_nf = np.mean(ib2.xH_box) # Save mean/global quantities neutral_fraction_photon_cons.append(mean_nf) z_for_photon_cons.append(z) # Can speed up sampling in regions where the evolution is slower if 0.3 < mean_nf <= 0.9: z -= 0.15 elif 0.01 < mean_nf <= 0.3: z -= 0.05 else: z -= 0.5 ib = ib2 if flag_options.USE_MINI_HALOS: prev_perturb = this_perturb z_for_photon_cons = np.array(z_for_photon_cons[::-1]) neutral_fraction_photon_cons = np.array(neutral_fraction_photon_cons[::-1]) # Construct the spline for the calibration curve"Calibrating photon conservation correction") _calibrate_photon_conservation_correction( redshifts_estimate=z_for_photon_cons, nf_estimate=neutral_fraction_photon_cons, NSpline=len(z_for_photon_cons), )