The main wrapper for the underlying 21cmFAST C-code.
The module provides both low- and high-level wrappers, using the very low-level machinery
in _utils
, and the convenient input and output structures from
and outputs
This module provides a number of:
Low-level functions which simplify calling the background C functions which populate these output objects given the input classes.
High-level functions which provide the most efficient and simplest way to generate the most commonly desired outputs.
Low-level functions
The low-level functions provided here ease the production of the aforementioned output
objects. Functions exist for each low-level C routine, which have been decoupled as far
as possible. So, functions exist to create initial_conditions()
, ionize_box
and so on. Creating a brightness temperature
box (often the desired final output) would generally require calling each of these in
turn, as each depends on the result of a previous function. Nevertheless, each function
has the capability of generating the required previous outputs on-the-fly, so one can
instantly call ionize_box()
and get a self-consistent result. Doing so, while
convenient, is sometimes not efficient, especially when using inhomogeneous
recombinations or the spin temperature field, which intrinsically require consistent
evolution of the ionization field through redshift. In these cases, for best efficiency
it is recommended to either use a customised manual approach to calling these low-level
functions, or to call a higher-level function which optimizes this process.
Finally, note that py21cmfast
attempts to optimize the production of the large amount of
data via on-disk caching. By default, if a previous set of data has been computed using
the current input parameters, it will be read-in from a caching repository and returned
directly. This behaviour can be tuned in any of the low-level (or high-level) functions
by setting the write, direc, regenerate and match_seed parameters (see docs for
for details). The function query_cache()
can be used
to search the cache, and return empty datasets corresponding to each (and these can then be
filled with the data merely by calling .read()
on any data set). Conversely, a
specific data set can be read and returned as a proper output object by calling the
High-level functions
As previously mentioned, calling the low-level functions in some cases is non-optimal,
especially when full evolution of the field is required, and thus iteration through a
series of redshift. In addition, while InitialConditions
are necessary intermediate data, it is usually the resulting
brightness temperature which is of most interest, and it is easier to not have to worry
about the intermediate steps explicitly. For these typical use-cases, two high-level
functions are available: run_coeval()
and run_lightcone()
, whose purpose
should be self-explanatory. These will optimally run all necessary intermediate
steps (using cached results by default if possible) and return all datasets of interest.
A typical example of using this module would be the following.
>>> import py21cmfast as p21
Get coeval cubes at redshift 7,8 and 9, without spin temperature or inhomogeneous recombinations:
>>> coeval = p21.run_coeval(
>>> redshift=[7,8,9],
>>> cosmo_params=p21.CosmoParams(hlittle=0.7),
>>> user_params=p21.UserParams(HII_DIM=100)
>>> )
Get coeval cubes at the same redshift, with both spin temperature and inhomogeneous recombinations, pulled from the natural evolution of the fields:
>>> all_boxes = p21.run_coeval(
>>> redshift=[7,8,9],
>>> user_params=p21.UserParams(HII_DIM=100),
>>> flag_options=p21.FlagOptions(INHOMO_RECO=True),
>>> do_spin_temp=True
>>> )
Get a self-consistent lightcone defined between z1 and z2 (z_step_factor changes the logarithmic steps between redshift that are actually evaluated, which are then interpolated onto the lightcone cells):
>>> lightcone = p21.run_lightcone(redshift=z2, max_redshift=z2, z_step_factor=1.03)
Compute a coeval brightness temperature box. |
Set up the photon non-conservation correction. |
Compute a the luminosity function over a given number of bins and redshifts. |
Compute the optical depth to reionization under the given model. |
Check and obtain a redshift from given default and structs. |
Construct all necessary FFTW wisdoms. |
Find a halo list, given a redshift. |
Return all possible fieldnames in output structs. |
Compute initial conditions. |
Compute an ionized box at a given redshift. |
Compute a perturbed field at a given redshift. |
Given a halo list, perturb the halos for a given redshift. |
Evaluate a coeval ionized box at a given redshift, or multiple redshifts. |
Evaluate a full lightcone ending at a given redshift. |
Compute spin temperature boxes at a given redshift. |