Source code for py21cmfast.outputs

Output class objects.

The classes provided by this module exist to simplify access to large datasets created within C.
Fundamentally, ownership of the data belongs to these classes, and the C functions merely accesses
this and fills it. The various boxes and lightcones associated with each output are available as
instance attributes. Along with the output data, each output object contains the various input
parameter objects necessary to define it.

.. warning:: These should not be instantiated or filled by the user, but always handled
             as output objects from the various functions contained here. Only the data
             within the objects should be accessed.

from __future__ import annotations

import h5py
import numpy as np
import os
import warnings
from astropy import units
from astropy.cosmology import z_at_value
from cached_property import cached_property
from cosmotile import apply_rsds
from hashlib import md5
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Sequence

from . import __version__
from . import _utils as _ut
from ._cfg import config
from ._utils import OutputStruct as _BaseOutputStruct
from ._utils import _check_compatible_inputs
from .c_21cmfast import ffi, lib
from .inputs import AstroParams, CosmoParams, FlagOptions, UserParams, global_params

class _OutputStruct(_BaseOutputStruct):
    _global_params = global_params

    def __init__(self, *, user_params=None, cosmo_params=None, **kwargs):
        self.cosmo_params = cosmo_params or CosmoParams()
        self.user_params = user_params or UserParams()


    _ffi = ffi

class _OutputStructZ(_OutputStruct):
    _inputs = _OutputStruct._inputs + ("redshift",)

[docs]class InitialConditions(_OutputStruct): """A class containing all initial conditions boxes.""" _c_compute_function = lib.ComputeInitialConditions # The filter params indicates parameters to overlook when deciding if a cached box # matches current parameters. # It is useful for ignoring certain global parameters which may not apply to this # step or its dependents. _meta = False _filter_params = _OutputStruct._filter_params + [ "ALPHA_UVB", # ionization "EVOLVE_DENSITY_LINEARLY", # perturb "SMOOTH_EVOLVED_DENSITY_FIELD", # perturb "R_smooth_density", # perturb "HII_ROUND_ERR", # ionization "FIND_BUBBLE_ALGORITHM", # ib "N_POISSON", # ib "T_USE_VELOCITIES", # bt "MAX_DVDR", # bt "DELTA_R_HII_FACTOR", # ib "HII_FILTER", # ib "INITIAL_REDSHIFT", # pf "HEAT_FILTER", # st "CLUMPING_FACTOR", # st "Z_HEAT_MAX", # st "R_XLy_MAX", # st "NUM_FILTER_STEPS_FOR_Ts", # ts "ZPRIME_STEP_FACTOR", # ts "TK_at_Z_HEAT_MAX", # ts "XION_at_Z_HEAT_MAX", # ts "Pop", # ib "Pop2_ion", # ib "Pop3_ion", # ib "NU_X_BAND_MAX", # st "NU_X_MAX", # ib ]
[docs] def prepare_for_perturb(self, flag_options: FlagOptions, force: bool = False): """Ensure the ICs have all the boxes loaded for perturb, but no extra.""" keep = ["hires_density"] if not self.user_params.PERTURB_ON_HIGH_RES: keep.append("lowres_density") keep.append("lowres_vx") keep.append("lowres_vy") keep.append("lowres_vz") if self.user_params.USE_2LPT: keep.append("lowres_vx_2LPT") keep.append("lowres_vy_2LPT") keep.append("lowres_vz_2LPT") if flag_options.USE_HALO_FIELD: keep.append("hires_density") else: keep.append("hires_vx") keep.append("hires_vy") keep.append("hires_vz") if self.user_params.USE_2LPT: keep.append("hires_vx_2LPT") keep.append("hires_vy_2LPT") keep.append("hires_vz_2LPT") if self.user_params.USE_RELATIVE_VELOCITIES: keep.append("lowres_vcb") self.prepare(keep=keep, force=force)
[docs] def prepare_for_spin_temp(self, flag_options: FlagOptions, force: bool = False): """Ensure ICs have all boxes required for spin_temp, and no more.""" keep = [] if self.user_params.USE_RELATIVE_VELOCITIES: keep.append("lowres_vcb") self.prepare(keep=keep, force=force)
def _get_box_structures(self) -> dict[str, dict | tuple[int]]: shape = (self.user_params.HII_DIM,) * 2 + ( int(self.user_params.NON_CUBIC_FACTOR * self.user_params.HII_DIM), ) hires_shape = (self.user_params.DIM,) * 2 + ( int(self.user_params.NON_CUBIC_FACTOR * self.user_params.DIM), ) out = { "lowres_density": shape, "lowres_vx": shape, "lowres_vy": shape, "lowres_vz": shape, "hires_density": hires_shape, "hires_vx": hires_shape, "hires_vy": hires_shape, "hires_vz": hires_shape, } if self.user_params.USE_2LPT: out.update( { "lowres_vx_2LPT": shape, "lowres_vy_2LPT": shape, "lowres_vz_2LPT": shape, "hires_vx_2LPT": hires_shape, "hires_vy_2LPT": hires_shape, "hires_vz_2LPT": hires_shape, } ) if self.user_params.USE_RELATIVE_VELOCITIES: out.update({"lowres_vcb": shape}) return out
[docs] def get_required_input_arrays(self, input_box: _BaseOutputStruct) -> list[str]: """Return all input arrays required to compute this object.""" return []
[docs] def compute(self, hooks: dict): """Compute the function.""" return self._compute( self.random_seed, self.user_params, self.cosmo_params, hooks=hooks, )
[docs]class PerturbedField(_OutputStructZ): """A class containing all perturbed field boxes.""" _c_compute_function = lib.ComputePerturbField _meta = False _filter_params = _OutputStruct._filter_params + [ "ALPHA_UVB", # ionization "HII_ROUND_ERR", # ionization "FIND_BUBBLE_ALGORITHM", # ib "N_POISSON", # ib "T_USE_VELOCITIES", # bt "MAX_DVDR", # bt "DELTA_R_HII_FACTOR", # ib "HII_FILTER", # ib "HEAT_FILTER", # st "CLUMPING_FACTOR", # st "Z_HEAT_MAX", # st "R_XLy_MAX", # st "NUM_FILTER_STEPS_FOR_Ts", # ts "ZPRIME_STEP_FACTOR", # ts "TK_at_Z_HEAT_MAX", # ts "XION_at_Z_HEAT_MAX", # ts "Pop", # ib "Pop2_ion", # ib "Pop3_ion", # ib "NU_X_BAND_MAX", # st "NU_X_MAX", # ib ] def _get_box_structures(self) -> dict[str, dict | tuple[int]]: out = { "density": (self.user_params.HII_DIM,) * 2 + (int(self.user_params.NON_CUBIC_FACTOR * self.user_params.HII_DIM),), "velocity_z": (self.user_params.HII_DIM,) * 2 + (int(self.user_params.NON_CUBIC_FACTOR * self.user_params.HII_DIM),), } if self.user_params.KEEP_3D_VELOCITIES: out["velocity_x"] = out["density"] out["velocity_y"] = out["density"] return out
[docs] def get_required_input_arrays(self, input_box: _BaseOutputStruct) -> list[str]: """Return all input arrays required to compute this object.""" required = [] if not isinstance(input_box, InitialConditions): raise ValueError( f"{type(input_box)} is not an input required for PerturbedField!" ) # Always require hires_density required += ["hires_density"] if self.user_params.PERTURB_ON_HIGH_RES: required += ["hires_vx", "hires_vy", "hires_vz"] if self.user_params.USE_2LPT: required += ["hires_vx_2LPT", "hires_vy_2LPT", "hires_vz_2LPT"] else: required += ["lowres_density", "lowres_vx", "lowres_vy", "lowres_vz"] if self.user_params.USE_2LPT: required += [ "lowres_vx_2LPT", "lowres_vy_2LPT", "lowres_vz_2LPT", ] if self.user_params.USE_RELATIVE_VELOCITIES: required.append("lowres_vcb") return required
[docs] def compute(self, *, ics: InitialConditions, hooks: dict): """Compute the function.""" return self._compute( self.redshift, self.user_params, self.cosmo_params, ics, hooks=hooks, )
@property def velocity(self): """The velocity of the box in the 3rd dimension (for backwards compat).""" return self.velocity_z # for backwards compatibility
class _AllParamsBox(_OutputStructZ): _meta = True _inputs = _OutputStructZ._inputs + ("flag_options", "astro_params") _filter_params = _OutputStruct._filter_params + [ "T_USE_VELOCITIES", # bt "MAX_DVDR", # bt ] def __init__( self, *, astro_params: AstroParams | None = None, flag_options: FlagOptions | None = None, **kwargs, ): self.flag_options = flag_options or FlagOptions() self.astro_params = astro_params or AstroParams( INHOMO_RECO=self.flag_options.INHOMO_RECO ) self.log10_Mturnover_ave = 0.0 self.log10_Mturnover_MINI_ave = 0.0 super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class HaloField(_AllParamsBox): """A class containing all fields related to halos.""" _c_based_pointers = ( "halo_masses", "halo_coords", "mass_bins", "fgtrm", "sqrt_dfgtrm", "dndlm", "sqrtdn_dlm", ) _c_compute_function = lib.ComputeHaloField def _get_box_structures(self) -> dict[str, dict | tuple[int]]: return {} def _c_shape(self, cstruct): return { "halo_masses": (cstruct.n_halos,), "halo_coords": (cstruct.n_halos, 3), "mass_bins": (cstruct.n_mass_bins,), "fgtrm": (cstruct.n_mass_bins,), "sqrt_dfgtrm": (cstruct.n_mass_bins,), "dndlm": (cstruct.n_mass_bins,), "sqrtdn_dlm": (cstruct.n_mass_bins,), }
[docs] def get_required_input_arrays(self, input_box: _BaseOutputStruct) -> list[str]: """Return all input arrays required to compute this object.""" if isinstance(input_box, InitialConditions): return ["hires_density"] else: raise ValueError( f"{type(input_box)} is not an input required for HaloField!" )
[docs] def compute(self, *, ics: InitialConditions, hooks: dict): """Compute the function.""" return self._compute( self.redshift, self.user_params, self.cosmo_params, self.astro_params, self.flag_options, ics, hooks=hooks, )
[docs]class PerturbHaloField(_AllParamsBox): """A class containing all fields related to halos.""" _c_compute_function = lib.ComputePerturbHaloField _c_based_pointers = ("halo_masses", "halo_coords") def _get_box_structures(self) -> dict[str, dict | tuple[int]]: return {} def _c_shape(self, cstruct): return { "halo_masses": (cstruct.n_halos,), "halo_coords": (cstruct.n_halos, 3), }
[docs] def get_required_input_arrays(self, input_box: _BaseOutputStruct) -> list[str]: """Return all input arrays required to compute this object.""" required = [] if isinstance(input_box, InitialConditions): if self.user_params.PERTURB_ON_HIGH_RES: required += ["hires_vx", "hires_vy", "hires_vz"] else: required += ["lowres_vx", "lowres_vy", "lowres_vz"] if self.user_params.USE_2LPT: required += [k + "_2LPT" for k in required] elif isinstance(input_box, HaloField): required += ["halo_coords", "halo_masses"] else: raise ValueError( f"{type(input_box)} is not an input required for PerturbHaloField!" ) return required
[docs] def compute(self, *, ics: InitialConditions, halo_field: HaloField, hooks: dict): """Compute the function.""" return self._compute( self.redshift, self.user_params, self.cosmo_params, self.astro_params, self.flag_options, ics, halo_field, hooks=hooks, )
[docs]class TsBox(_AllParamsBox): """A class containing all spin temperature boxes.""" _c_compute_function = lib.ComputeTsBox _meta = False _inputs = _AllParamsBox._inputs + ("prev_spin_redshift", "perturbed_field_redshift")
[docs] def __init__( self, *, prev_spin_redshift: float | None = None, perturbed_field_redshift: float | None = None, **kwargs, ): self.prev_spin_redshift = prev_spin_redshift self.perturbed_field_redshift = perturbed_field_redshift super().__init__(**kwargs)
def _get_box_structures(self) -> dict[str, dict | tuple[int]]: shape = (self.user_params.HII_DIM,) * 2 + ( int(self.user_params.NON_CUBIC_FACTOR * self.user_params.HII_DIM), ) return { "Ts_box": shape, "x_e_box": shape, "Tk_box": shape, "J_21_LW_box": shape, } @cached_property def global_Ts(self): """Global (mean) spin temperature.""" if "Ts_box" not in self._computed_arrays: raise AttributeError( "global_Ts is not defined until the ionization calculation has been performed" ) else: return np.mean(self.Ts_box) @cached_property def global_Tk(self): """Global (mean) Tk.""" if "Tk_box" not in self._computed_arrays: raise AttributeError( "global_Tk is not defined until the ionization calculation has been performed" ) else: return np.mean(self.Tk_box) @cached_property def global_x_e(self): """Global (mean) x_e.""" if "x_e_box" not in self._computed_arrays: raise AttributeError( "global_x_e is not defined until the ionization calculation has been performed" ) else: return np.mean(self.x_e_box)
[docs] def get_required_input_arrays(self, input_box: _BaseOutputStruct) -> list[str]: """Return all input arrays required to compute this object.""" required = [] if isinstance(input_box, InitialConditions): if ( self.user_params.USE_RELATIVE_VELOCITIES and self.flag_options.USE_MINI_HALOS ): required += ["lowres_vcb"] elif isinstance(input_box, PerturbedField): required += ["density"] elif isinstance(input_box, TsBox): required += ["Tk_box", "x_e_box", "Ts_box"] if self.flag_options.USE_MINI_HALOS: required += ["J_21_LW_box"] else: raise ValueError( f"{type(input_box)} is not an input required for PerturbHaloField!" ) return required
[docs] def compute( self, *, cleanup: bool, perturbed_field: PerturbedField, prev_spin_temp, ics: InitialConditions, hooks: dict, ): """Compute the function.""" return self._compute( self.redshift, self.prev_spin_redshift, self.user_params, self.cosmo_params, self.astro_params, self.flag_options, self.perturbed_field_redshift, cleanup, perturbed_field, prev_spin_temp, ics, hooks=hooks, )
[docs]class IonizedBox(_AllParamsBox): """A class containing all ionized boxes.""" _meta = False _c_compute_function = lib.ComputeIonizedBox _inputs = _AllParamsBox._inputs + ("prev_ionize_redshift",)
[docs] def __init__(self, *, prev_ionize_redshift: float | None = None, **kwargs): self.prev_ionize_redshift = prev_ionize_redshift super().__init__(**kwargs)
def _get_box_structures(self) -> dict[str, dict | tuple[int]]: if self.flag_options.USE_MINI_HALOS: n_filtering = ( int( np.log( min( self.astro_params.R_BUBBLE_MAX, 0.620350491 * self.user_params.BOX_LEN, ) / max( global_params.R_BUBBLE_MIN, 0.620350491 * self.user_params.BOX_LEN / self.user_params.HII_DIM, ) ) / np.log(global_params.DELTA_R_HII_FACTOR) ) + 1 ) else: n_filtering = 1 shape = (self.user_params.HII_DIM,) * 2 + ( int(self.user_params.NON_CUBIC_FACTOR * self.user_params.HII_DIM), ) filter_shape = (n_filtering,) + shape out = { "xH_box": {"init": np.ones, "shape": shape}, "Gamma12_box": shape, "MFP_box": shape, "z_re_box": shape, "dNrec_box": shape, "temp_kinetic_all_gas": shape, "Fcoll": filter_shape, } if self.flag_options.USE_MINI_HALOS: out["Fcoll_MINI"] = filter_shape return out @cached_property def global_xH(self): """Global (mean) neutral fraction.""" if not self.filled: raise AttributeError( "global_xH is not defined until the ionization calculation has been performed" ) else: return np.mean(self.xH_box)
[docs] def get_required_input_arrays(self, input_box: _BaseOutputStruct) -> list[str]: """Return all input arrays required to compute this object.""" required = [] if isinstance(input_box, InitialConditions): if ( self.user_params.USE_RELATIVE_VELOCITIES and self.flag_options.USE_MASS_DEPENDENT_ZETA ): required += ["lowres_vcb"] elif isinstance(input_box, PerturbedField): required += ["density"] elif isinstance(input_box, TsBox): required += ["J_21_LW_box", "x_e_box", "Tk_box"] elif isinstance(input_box, IonizedBox): required += ["z_re_box", "Gamma12_box"] if self.flag_options.INHOMO_RECO: required += [ "dNrec_box", ] if ( self.flag_options.USE_MASS_DEPENDENT_ZETA and self.flag_options.USE_MINI_HALOS ): required += ["Fcoll", "Fcoll_MINI"] elif isinstance(input_box, PerturbHaloField): required += ["halo_coords", "halo_masses"] else: raise ValueError( f"{type(input_box)} is not an input required for IonizedBox!" ) return required
[docs] def compute( self, *, perturbed_field: PerturbedField, prev_perturbed_field: PerturbedField, prev_ionize_box, spin_temp: TsBox, pt_halos: PerturbHaloField, ics: InitialConditions, hooks: dict, ): """Compute the function.""" return self._compute( self.redshift, self.prev_ionize_redshift, self.user_params, self.cosmo_params, self.astro_params, self.flag_options, perturbed_field, prev_perturbed_field, prev_ionize_box, spin_temp, pt_halos, ics, hooks=hooks, )
[docs]class BrightnessTemp(_AllParamsBox): """A class containing the brightness temperature box.""" _c_compute_function = lib.ComputeBrightnessTemp _meta = False _filter_params = _OutputStructZ._filter_params def _get_box_structures(self) -> dict[str, dict | tuple[int]]: return { "brightness_temp": (self.user_params.HII_DIM,) * 2 + (int(self.user_params.NON_CUBIC_FACTOR * self.user_params.HII_DIM),) } @cached_property def global_Tb(self): """Global (mean) brightness temperature.""" if not self.is_computed: raise AttributeError( "global_Tb is not defined until the ionization calculation has been performed" ) else: return np.mean(self.brightness_temp)
[docs] def get_required_input_arrays(self, input_box: _BaseOutputStruct) -> list[str]: """Return all input arrays required to compute this object.""" required = [] if isinstance(input_box, PerturbedField): if self.flag_options.APPLY_RSDS: required += ["velocity_z"] elif isinstance(input_box, TsBox): required += ["Ts_box"] elif isinstance(input_box, IonizedBox): required += ["xH_box"] else: raise ValueError( f"{type(input_box)} is not an input required for BrightnessTemp!" ) return required
[docs] def compute( self, *, spin_temp: TsBox, ionized_box: IonizedBox, perturbed_field: PerturbedField, hooks: dict, ): """Compute the function.""" return self._compute( self.redshift, self.user_params, self.cosmo_params, self.astro_params, self.flag_options, spin_temp, ionized_box, perturbed_field, hooks=hooks, )
class _HighLevelOutput: def get_cached_data( self, kind: str, redshift: float, load_data: bool = False ) -> _OutputStruct: """ Return an OutputStruct object which was cached in creating this Coeval box. Parameters ---------- kind The kind of object: "init", "perturb", "spin_temp", "ionize" or "brightness" redshift The (approximate) redshift of the object to return. load_data Whether to actually read the field data of the object in (call ```` after this function to do this manually) Returns ------- output The output struct object. """ if self.cache_files is None: raise AttributeError( "No cache files were associated with this Coeval object." ) # TODO: also check this file, because it may have been "gather"d. if kind not in self.cache_files: raise ValueError( f"{kind} is not a valid kind for the cache. Valid options: " f"{self.cache_files.keys()}" ) files = self.cache_files.get(kind, {}) # files is a list of tuples of (redshift, filename) redshifts = np.array([f[0] for f in files]) indx = np.argmin(np.abs(redshifts - redshift)) fname = files[indx][1] if not os.path.exists(fname): raise OSError( "The cached file you requested does not exist (maybe it was removed?)." ) kinds = { "init": InitialConditions, "perturb_field": PerturbedField, "ionized_box": IonizedBox, "spin_temp": TsBox, "brightness_temp": BrightnessTemp, } cls = kinds[kind] return cls.from_file(fname, load_data=load_data) def gather( self, fname: str | None | Path = None, kinds: Sequence | None = None, clean: bool | dict = False, direc: str | Path | None = None, ) -> Path: """Gather the cached data associated with this object into its file.""" kinds = kinds or [ "init", "perturb_field", "ionized_box", "spin_temp", "brightness_temp", ] clean = kinds if clean and not hasattr(clean, "__len__") else clean or [] if any(c not in kinds for c in clean): raise ValueError( "You are trying to clean cached items that you will not be gathering." ) direc = Path(direc or config["direc"]).expanduser().absolute() fname = Path(fname or self.get_unique_filename()).expanduser() if not fname.exists(): fname = direc / fname for kind in kinds: redshifts = (f[0] for f in self.cache_files[kind]) for i, z in enumerate(redshifts): cache_fname = self.cache_files[kind][i][1] obj = self.get_cached_data(kind, redshift=z, load_data=True) with h5py.File(fname, "a") as fl: cache = ( fl.create_group("cache") if "cache" not in fl else fl["cache"] ) kind_group = ( cache.create_group(kind) if kind not in cache else cache[kind] ) zstr = f"z{z:.2f}" if zstr not in kind_group: z_group = kind_group.create_group(zstr) else: z_group = kind_group[zstr] obj.write_data_to_hdf5_group(z_group) if kind in clean: os.remove(cache_fname) return fname def _get_prefix(self): return "{name}_z{redshift:.4}_{{hash}}_r{seed}.h5".format( name=self.__class__.__name__, redshift=float(self.redshift), seed=self.random_seed, ) def _input_rep(self): rep = "" for inp in [ "user_params", "cosmo_params", "astro_params", "flag_options", "global_params", ]: rep += repr(getattr(self, inp)) return rep def get_unique_filename(self): """Generate a unique hash filename for this instance.""" return self._get_prefix().format( hash=md5((self._input_rep() + self._particular_rep()).encode()).hexdigest() ) def _write(self, direc=None, fname=None, clobber=False): """ Write the lightcone to file in standard HDF5 format. This method is primarily meant for the automatic caching. Its default filename is a hash generated based on the input data, and the directory is the configured caching directory. Parameters ---------- direc : str, optional The directory into which to write the file. Default is the configuration directory. fname : str, optional The filename to write, default a unique name produced by the inputs. clobber : bool, optional Whether to overwrite existing file. Returns ------- fname : str The absolute path to which the file was written. """ direc = os.path.expanduser(direc or config["direc"]) if fname is None: fname = self.get_unique_filename() if not os.path.isabs(fname): fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(direc, fname)) if not clobber and os.path.exists(fname): raise FileExistsError( "The file {} already exists. If you want to overwrite, set clobber=True.".format( fname ) ) with h5py.File(fname, "w") as f: # Save input parameters as attributes for k in [ "user_params", "cosmo_params", "flag_options", "astro_params", "global_params", ]: q = getattr(self, k) kfile = "_globals" if k == "global_params" else k grp = f.create_group(kfile) try: dct = q.self except AttributeError: dct = q for kk, v in dct.items(): if v is None: continue try: grp.attrs[kk] = v except TypeError: # external_table_path is a cdata object and can't be written. pass if self.photon_nonconservation_data is not None: photon_data = f.create_group("photon_nonconservation_data") for k, val in self.photon_nonconservation_data.items(): photon_data[k] = val f.attrs["redshift"] = self.redshift f.attrs["random_seed"] = self.random_seed f.attrs["version"] = __version__ self._write_particulars(fname) return fname def _write_particulars(self, fname): pass def save(self, fname=None, direc=".", clobber: bool = False): """Save to disk. This function has defaults that make it easy to save a unique box to the current directory. Parameters ---------- fname : str, optional The filename to write, default a unique name produced by the inputs. direc : str, optional The directory into which to write the file. Default is the current directory. Returns ------- str : The filename to which the box was written. """ return self._write(direc=direc, fname=fname, clobber=clobber) @classmethod def _read_inputs(cls, fname): kwargs = {} with h5py.File(fname, "r") as fl: glbls = dict(fl["_globals"].attrs) kwargs["redshift"] = fl.attrs["redshift"] if "photon_nonconservation_data" in fl.keys(): d = fl["photon_nonconservation_data"] kwargs["photon_nonconservation_data"] = {k: d[k][...] for k in d.keys()} return kwargs, glbls @classmethod def read(cls, fname, direc="."): """Read a lightcone file from disk, creating a LightCone object. Parameters ---------- fname : str The filename path. Can be absolute or relative. direc : str If fname, is relative, the directory in which to find the file. By default, both the current directory and default cache and the will be searched, in that order. Returns ------- LightCone : A :class:`LightCone` instance created from the file's data. """ if not os.path.isabs(fname): fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(direc, fname)) if not os.path.exists(fname): raise FileExistsError(f"The file {fname} does not exist!") park, glbls = cls._read_inputs(fname) boxk = cls._read_particular(fname) with global_params.use(**glbls): out = cls(**park, **boxk) return out
[docs]class Coeval(_HighLevelOutput): """A full coeval box with all associated data."""
[docs] def __init__( self, redshift: float, initial_conditions: InitialConditions, perturbed_field: PerturbedField, ionized_box: IonizedBox, brightness_temp: BrightnessTemp, ts_box: TsBox | None = None, cache_files: dict | None = None, photon_nonconservation_data=None, _globals=None, ): _check_compatible_inputs( initial_conditions, perturbed_field, ionized_box, brightness_temp, ts_box, ignore=[], ) self.redshift = redshift self.init_struct = initial_conditions self.perturb_struct = perturbed_field self.ionization_struct = ionized_box self.brightness_temp_struct = brightness_temp self.spin_temp_struct = ts_box self.cache_files = cache_files self.photon_nonconservation_data = photon_nonconservation_data # A *copy* of the current global parameters. self.global_params = _globals or dict(global_params.items()) # Expose all the fields of the structs to the surface of the Coeval object for box in [ initial_conditions, perturbed_field, ionized_box, brightness_temp, ts_box, ]: if box is None: continue for field in box._get_box_structures(): setattr(self, field, getattr(box, field)) # For backwards compatibility if hasattr(self, "velocity_z"): self.velocity = self.velocity_z
[docs] @classmethod def get_fields(cls, spin_temp: bool = True) -> list[str]: """Obtain a list of name of simulation boxes saved in the Coeval object.""" pointer_fields = [] for cls in [InitialConditions, PerturbedField, IonizedBox, BrightnessTemp]: pointer_fields += cls.get_pointer_fields() if spin_temp: pointer_fields += TsBox.get_pointer_fields() return pointer_fields
@property def user_params(self): """User params shared by all datasets.""" return self.brightness_temp_struct.user_params @property def cosmo_params(self): """Cosmo params shared by all datasets.""" return self.brightness_temp_struct.cosmo_params @property def flag_options(self): """Flag Options shared by all datasets.""" return self.brightness_temp_struct.flag_options @property def astro_params(self): """Astro params shared by all datasets.""" return self.brightness_temp_struct.astro_params @property def random_seed(self): """Random seed shared by all datasets.""" return self.brightness_temp_struct.random_seed def _particular_rep(self): return "" def _write_particulars(self, fname): for name in ["init", "perturb", "ionization", "brightness_temp", "spin_temp"]: struct = getattr(self, name + "_struct") if struct is not None: struct.write(fname=fname, write_inputs=False) # Also write any other inputs to any of the constituent boxes # to the overarching attrs. with h5py.File(fname, "a") as fl: for inp in struct._inputs: if inp not in fl.attrs and inp not in [ "user_params", "cosmo_params", "flag_options", "astro_params", "global_params", ]: fl.attrs[inp] = getattr(struct, inp) @classmethod def _read_particular(cls, fname): kwargs = {} with h5py.File(fname, "r") as fl: for output_class in _ut.OutputStruct._implementations(): if output_class.__name__ in fl: kwargs[_ut.camel_to_snake(output_class.__name__)] = ( output_class.from_file(fname) ) return kwargs def __eq__(self, other): """Determine if this is equal to another object.""" return ( isinstance(other, self.__class__) and other.redshift == self.redshift and self.user_params == other.user_params and self.cosmo_params == other.cosmo_params and self.flag_options == other.flag_options and self.astro_params == other.astro_params )
[docs]class LightCone(_HighLevelOutput): """A full Lightcone with all associated evolved data."""
[docs] def __init__( self, redshift, distances, user_params, cosmo_params, astro_params, flag_options, random_seed, lightcones, node_redshifts=None, global_quantities=None, photon_nonconservation_data=None, cache_files: dict | None = None, _globals=None, log10_mturnovers=None, log10_mturnovers_mini=None, current_redshift=None, current_index=None, ): self.redshift = redshift self.random_seed = random_seed self.user_params = user_params self.cosmo_params = cosmo_params self.astro_params = astro_params self.flag_options = flag_options self.node_redshifts = node_redshifts self.cache_files = cache_files self.log10_mturnovers = log10_mturnovers self.log10_mturnovers_mini = log10_mturnovers_mini self._current_redshift = current_redshift or redshift self.lightcone_distances = distances # A *copy* of the current global parameters. self.global_params = _globals or dict(global_params.items()) if global_quantities: for name, data in global_quantities.items(): if name.endswith("_box"): # Remove the _box because it looks dumb. setattr(self, f"global_{name[:-4]}", data) else: setattr(self, f"global_{name}", data) self.photon_nonconservation_data = photon_nonconservation_data for name, data in lightcones.items(): setattr(self, name, data) # Hold a reference to the global/lightcones in a dict form for easy reference. self.global_quantities = global_quantities self.lightcones = lightcones self._current_index = current_index or self.shape[-1] - 1
@property def global_xHI(self): """Global neutral fraction function.""" warnings.warn( "global_xHI is deprecated. From now on, use global_xH. Will be removed in v3.1" ) return self.global_xH @property def cell_size(self): """Cell size [Mpc] of the lightcone voxels.""" return self.user_params.BOX_LEN / self.user_params.HII_DIM @property def lightcone_dimensions(self): """Lightcone size over each dimension -- tuple of (x,y,z) in Mpc.""" return ( self.user_params.BOX_LEN, self.user_params.BOX_LEN, self.n_slices * self.cell_size, ) @property def shape(self): """Shape of the lightcone as a 3-tuple.""" return self.lightcones[list(self.lightcones.keys())[0]].shape @property def n_slices(self): """Number of redshift slices in the lightcone.""" return self.shape[-1] @property def lightcone_coords(self): """Co-ordinates [Mpc] of each slice along the redshift axis.""" return self.lightcone_distances - self.lightcone_distances[0] @property def lightcone_redshifts(self): """Redshift of each cell along the redshift axis.""" return np.array( [ z_at_value(self.cosmo_params.cosmo.comoving_distance, d) for d in self.lightcone_distances ] ) def _particular_rep(self): return ( str(np.round(self.node_redshifts, 3)) + str(self.global_quantities.keys()) + str(self.lightcones.keys()) ) def _write_particulars(self, fname): with h5py.File(fname, "a") as f: # Save the boxes to the file boxes = f.create_group("lightcones") # Go through all fields in this struct, and save for k, val in self.lightcones.items(): boxes[k] = val global_q = f.create_group("global_quantities") for k, v in self.global_quantities.items(): global_q[k] = v f["node_redshifts"] = self.node_redshifts f["distances"] = self.lightcone_distances
[docs] def make_checkpoint(self, fname, index: int, redshift: float): """Write updated lightcone data to file.""" with h5py.File(fname, "a") as fl: current_index = fl.attrs.get("current_index", 0) for k, v in self.lightcones.items(): fl["lightcones"][k][..., -index : v.shape[-1] - current_index] = v[ ..., -index : v.shape[-1] - current_index ] global_q = fl["global_quantities"] for k, v in self.global_quantities.items(): global_q[k][-index : v.shape[-1] - current_index] = v[ -index : v.shape[-1] - current_index ] fl.attrs["current_index"] = index fl.attrs["current_redshift"] = redshift self._current_redshift = redshift self._current_index = index
@classmethod def _read_inputs(cls, fname): kwargs = {} with h5py.File(fname, "r") as fl: for k, kls in [ ("user_params", UserParams), ("cosmo_params", CosmoParams), ("flag_options", FlagOptions), ("astro_params", AstroParams), ]: grp = fl[k] kwargs[k] = kls(dict(grp.attrs)) kwargs["random_seed"] = fl.attrs["random_seed"] kwargs["current_redshift"] = fl.attrs.get("current_redshift", None) kwargs["current_index"] = fl.attrs.get("current_index", None) # Get the standard inputs. kw, glbls = _HighLevelOutput._read_inputs(fname) return {**kw, **kwargs}, glbls @classmethod def _read_particular(cls, fname): kwargs = {} with h5py.File(fname, "r") as fl: boxes = fl["lightcones"] kwargs["lightcones"] = {k: boxes[k][...] for k in boxes.keys()} glb = fl["global_quantities"] kwargs["global_quantities"] = {k: glb[k][...] for k in glb.keys()} kwargs["node_redshifts"] = fl["node_redshifts"][...] kwargs["distances"] = fl["distances"][...] return kwargs def __eq__(self, other): """Determine if this is equal to another object.""" return ( isinstance(other, self.__class__) and other.redshift == self.redshift and np.all(np.isclose(other.node_redshifts, self.node_redshifts, atol=1e-3)) and self.user_params == other.user_params and self.cosmo_params == other.cosmo_params and self.flag_options == other.flag_options and self.astro_params == other.astro_params and self.global_quantities.keys() == other.global_quantities.keys() and self.lightcones.keys() == other.lightcones.keys() )
[docs]class AngularLightcone(LightCone): """An angular lightcone.""" @property def cell_size(self): """Cell size [Mpc] of the lightcone voxels.""" raise AttributeError("This is not an attribute of an AngularLightcone") @property def lightcone_dimensions(self): """Lightcone size over each dimension -- tuple of (x,y,z) in Mpc.""" raise AttributeError("This is not an attribute of an AngularLightcone")
[docs] def compute_rsds(self, n_subcells: int = 4, fname: str | Path | None = None): """Compute redshift-space distortions from the los_velocity lightcone. Parameters ---------- n_subcells The number of sub-cells to interpolate onto, to make the RSDs more accurate. fname An output path to write the new RSD-corrected brightness temperature to. """ if "los_velocity" not in self.lightcones: raise ValueError( "Lightcone does not contain los velocity field, cannot compute_rsds" ) if "brightness_temp_with_rsds" in self.lightcones: warnings.warn( "Lightcone already contains brightness_temp_with_rsds, returning" ) return self.lightcones["brightness_temp_with_rsds"] H0 = self.cosmo_params.cosmo.H(self.lightcone_redshifts) los_displacement = self.lightcones["los_velocity"] * units.Mpc / units.s / H0 equiv = units.pixel_scale(self.user_params.cell_size / units.pixel) los_displacement =, equivalencies=equiv) lcd =, equiv) dvdx_on_h = np.gradient(los_displacement, lcd, axis=1) if not (self.flag_options.USE_TS_FLUCT and self.flag_options.SUBCELL_RSD): # Now, clip dvdx... dvdx_on_h = np.clip( dvdx_on_h, -global_params.MAX_DVDR, global_params.MAX_DVDR, out=dvdx_on_h, ) tb_with_rsds = self.brightness_temp / (1 + dvdx_on_h) else: gradient_component = 1 + dvdx_on_h # not clipped! Tcmb = 2.728 Trad = Tcmb * (1 + self.lightcone_redshifts) tb_with_rsds = np.where( gradient_component < 1e-7, 1000.0 * (self.Ts_box - Trad) / (1.0 + self.lightcone_redshifts), (1.0 - np.exp(self.brightness_temp / gradient_component)) * 1000.0 * (self.Ts_box - Trad) / (1.0 + self.lightcone_redshifts), ) # Compute the local RSDs if n_subcells > 0: tb_with_rsds = apply_rsds( field=tb_with_rsds.T, los_displacement=los_displacement.T,, equiv), n_subcells=n_subcells, ).T self.lightcones["brightness_temp_with_rsds"] = tb_with_rsds if fname: if Path(fname).exists(): with h5py.File(fname, "a") as fl: fl["lightcones"]["brightness_temp_with_rsds"] = tb_with_rsds else: return tb_with_rsds